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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » My longest walk in my life...
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Originally posted by fantasywave at 2005-10-18 03:13 AM:
! {6 [, t' q3 s. yI don't know why you go to U without money. Not even a credit card to get cash. An U student with no cell phone? This is too stupid it's like making shit up.
# V& e" W$ G9 w" f+ b' \0 t/ W$ K( }3 i1 O
Don't be so mean, he had suffered enough already. What's so big of a deal of an U student without a cell phone?? And not everyone has a credit card.
Originally posted by Gretzky at 10/18/2005 01:53:- z# a7 W" y1 u0 P! i3 C
ten,* O  k3 Y3 P2 `4 z
! @$ }) D$ h8 i0 O3 O8 U$ V
always keep a few things in your wallet.... a 20 dollar bill, a couple of quarters and a bandage...once you have them in...live as if they don't exist in your wallet...4 d' Q! K: ]$ u$ Z. V% s: L) e- C

4 H6 F0 ^% b9 N. i; ?6 XG.
1 G& ?1 I0 i! @! n1 q8 |$ G' @/ }( C3 h0 C
I will try to keep that in mind & C2 J- B0 R6 F+ P1 R! K

9 M& E7 `/ C4 r
Originally posted by fantasywave at 10/18/2005 03:13:
! g5 }3 v5 l& u" T& d5 R# QI don't know why you go to U without money. Not even a credit card to get cash. An U student with no cell phone? This is too stupid it's like making shit up.
* d* h/ L; u' `/ C4 \) OI have couple of words for you...
1 o7 ~$ m/ r; X; i, x: g* h
* n: Z% F  h2 {- x. I% H1:  not all Uni students has a cell phone.+ j% I5 K4 T+ j6 G* m) I  G) s
2:  not all people are rich.
( {: _7 |4 {. `1 d0 R3:  I am not sure about you, but I don't ask my parents for money to pay textbooks and University funds..  I work for them...
) ~! ]6 [3 [) g4:  as i told u i forgot to bring money, that means i also forgot to bring credit card... i have no idea why others' suffering is so funny to you... but
& T* A  i( E$ `9 @4 Z/ p  cplease grow up.
4 j2 z- b0 z9 A( v( b5 M: Q
8 R5 ?( ?  F7 L7 a$ d5 u
Originally posted by sherryliu at 10/18/2005 03:54:
( K! g) f, s! S1 Q5 R. C6 O$ ~+ d9 y, G9 d
) a! Q$ q6 p1 H* v- Q1 ^; o. G% \
Don't be so mean, he had suffered enough already. What's so big of a deal of an U student without a cell phone?? And not everyone has a credit card.
8 U- i! Q2 g, ~7 j% I3 C
" ^* }: S0 E& m3 N; ^$ X6 Z0 tthank you for understanding...

Why don't you call collect!? How long have you been living in Toronto?

Originally posted by tenmadio at 2005-10-17 08:17 PM:
: X8 Q1 O& h8 F
" W$ t  Z7 E; X( Z' K) r0 w8 D( u# v' i  U9 a  ?6 Q" U
' g% F6 _2 u3 j: z. M6 Z/ ~# C
i totally forgot about it.. ~&g...
* q! }% h. b9 s) ^9 ~3 N

/ i* l! y( U2 r, pbut your legs have paid. Be smart next time!
Originally posted by fantasywave at 2005-10-18 03:13 AM:
( u9 I9 [3 |' T% I9 II don't know why you go to U without money. Not even a credit card to get cash. An U student with no cell phone? This is too stupid it's like making shit up.
! f$ c: j  F( M* s# C7 Y" @- r
3 u, A# h7 R% c! |  K/ p6 B+ q! r2 m
When was the last time that you actually 'earn' something from labor?
5 `5 w3 g+ g5 j8 O- p2 y1 b' A5 _3 g' q7 a
Don't impose your measuring stick on others....I never had a cell phone/laptop until I was in graduate school.
4 e) @+ H! m! z4 ~1 g* }
8 x2 I" B; P3 O$ n5 vOpen your eyes....

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » My longest walk in my life...

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