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標題: [旅遊區] about London [打印本頁]

作者: gill_gillhk    時間: 2006-1-27 05:38 AM     標題: about London

我想問呢...係london買野會唔會有退稅呢d咁既野ga ?

作者: cream    時間: 2006-1-27 08:11 AM

Yes, indeed there is tax refund.
but I don't know the detail because I never tried

From what I heard, you need to buy a certain amount of goods from one single shop
in a single receipt, amount is something like a few hundred pounds
(that is why I never try)
then ask the shop to give you a form to fill in
then has to hand in somewhere in airport
but your goods has to be unopen and unused when you left UK

very ma fan

Maybe you can ask the salesman in some big shop like Harrods, they surely know
作者: Nogard    時間: 2006-1-28 12:18 AM

唔使買幾百pounds野架喎, 大部份野都有得退, 只要你有機票証明你係遊客, 同埋唔stay 超過唔知幾多日就可以, 但我唔係好記得要點做, 買野個時問下個sales會好d, 仲有退稅係你臨走係機場退既

以上只作參考, 請親自問下會有保障d ^^
作者: JarvisCocker    時間: 2006-4-20 11:18 PM ... =2&x=22&y=8


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