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標題: Will Spain be another Greece? [打印本頁]

作者: Charcoal_henry    時間: 2008-7-26 02:45 AM     標題: Will Spain be another Greece?

Congratulations to Spain...

But Euro champions seldom retain the title twice consecutively. Spain is a good team, but not really tough and did not really meet with big challenge on the road to the I think they may not have good results in the coming World Cup...
作者: woooot    時間: 2008-7-26 11:57 AM

who has even retained the title consecutively (not too sure if you meant Euro and world or back to back Euro wins) ? but if you mean euros and world cup, only the french team did it, winning the world cup 1st , then the next Euro.

but don't really understand why compare Spain to Greece. Spain has always been a traditional strong team with technically gifted players even but Greece won their Euro more on the tactical play of their coach, winning with a closely knitted team based on defensive play. Spain has been on the attacking side and just known for choking at major competitions. this time , they beat Italy(06 world cup champions with bad form coming into the competition?) and Germany on the way, isn't that enough? but who would have expected Italy to have such a form anyway. you would also have hoped they would meet Holland on the way but they lost to a superb Russia, right?

anyway, it's always different on the world cup platform with the strong South American teams competing. it all boils down to form and luck.
作者: Fung2004    時間: 2008-7-27 03:38 AM

當年greece打防守波,一個機會就爆冷,隊中冇mud邊個球星...而家呢隊spain, 連raul, joaquin等人都冇得入選,你睇吓佢中前場,個個都咁堅,係後防差, 就算攞唔到world cup相信都會有一番作為
作者: Rated-R    時間: 2008-7-27 10:53 PM


作者: darkensun    時間: 2008-7-28 03:50 PM

樓主, 歐洲國家盃要贏已經唔易, 要衛冕都一樣唔易, 下屆就算唔冧莊都唔代表佢地係曇花一現
希臘球員捧盃時年紀比較大, 加上贏好多場波都係輸形勢贏波, 捧盃信服力唔係咁高, 好多人都唔肯認希臘係一隊強隊
相反西班牙除左對瑞典上半場落下風之外, 對住意大利, 德國, 俄羅斯同希臘都係全場佔上風, 所以俾到好多說服力人, 覺得西班牙未來四年都仲會有力問鼎國際大賽錦標
另外西班牙聯賽水準高, 就算一班球星水準下滑, 都會有足夠具份量球員接班, 唔似得希臘, 以外流球員為主, 當中大部份都年紀唔輕, 所以就容易有接唔上既情況出現
我認為下屆世界盃西班牙仍然會係有力爭標球隊之一, 不過實力相當球隊豈止一隊, 就算贏唔到都唔代表呢隊 SPAIN 08 係曇花一現

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