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標題: 上門補習 [打印本頁]

作者: fcukyoukelly    時間: 2008-10-26 08:31 PM     標題: 上門補習

會考成績 : phy: B, chem: C, bio: B, maths: B, econ: C
高考成績 : chem: C, econ: C
大學名稱 : 香港理工大學
學系名稱 : 建築經濟及管理

本人在大學專攻經濟學, 有關經濟科目的學分均以A / B+級完成, 而畢業論文亦為有關課題.
本人的理科成績優異(會考及高考), 亦有5年多的補習經驗.

有閣下有意找補習老師, 請電郵: [email protected]予胡先生再作詳談.

I am a graduate of the HKPolyU in 2006. Currently I am having a regular shifting full time job and therefore I can arrange tutorials with high flexibility.

My english results of HKCEE & HKAL were D & E respectively. However, in the university, I found out the way of improving English. In the 3 years of the university study, My average result of English was B/B+.

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