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標題: 昔日BIG4之一竟淪為護級隊伍 [打印本頁]

作者: darkensun    時間: 2010-10-4 01:41 AM     標題: 昔日BIG4之一竟淪為護級隊伍

以往利記FANS成日都怪賓尼迪斯教得唔好, 今屆佢人都走左, 但成績依然咁差, 當日指阿記將會跌出BIG4行列O既球迷依家唔知仲有咩可以講la...
今次主場對黑池輸1-2, 歐霸對烏德勒支又踢到不知所謂, 利記個老闆再唔出售球隊, 我諗往後幾年都幾難翻身
作者: tlkwan    時間: 2010-10-4 01:56 AM

利物浦持續不振,主場一比二不敵黑池。紅軍輸波後,排聯賽榜十八位, omg, 利物浦 need to 護級.............................
作者: limited-too    時間: 2010-10-4 10:18 AM

我本人好相信, 今年係利勿浦, 下年係曼聯
作者: selena127    時間: 2010-10-4 11:36 AM

我本人好相信, 今年係利勿浦, 下年係曼聯
limited-too 發表於 4/10/2010 10:18
曼聯就未必 , 阿仙奴危 d !
作者: kakeidevil    時間: 2010-10-4 11:46 AM

作者: limited-too    時間: 2010-10-4 03:13 PM

曼聯就未必 , 阿仙奴危 d !
selena127 發表於 2010-10-4 11:36 AM
曼聯有機會bo, 因為只要睇下近來三場作客, 只能和對手賽和, 和之前幾季不同, 點解, 咪又係因為個班主無錢給領隊增兵,
雖則阿老費講有錢有錢, 但是責務只是利息都吾夠還, 何來有錢簽入高質的球員...明知中場無能都吾對正下藥...
所以話本人好相信就算下季仍維持big4, 再下季一定被out出big4...若果連老費都退埋, 更加吾駛估啦...
作者: Winters    時間: 2010-10-4 08:48 PM


作者: darkensun    時間: 2010-10-4 11:32 PM

kakeidevil 發表於 2010-10-4 11:46 AM
以前有個friend成日鋤大D都俾人炒, 有次佢渣三條D, 加兩堂, 竟然都只係以唔俾人炒為目標, 結果放生三家
依家殼神掌管BIG4 之一, 今季佢目標可能仍然係成功護級
不過最衰都係美國班主上年倒行逆施, 限米主限飯之下竟然搵個爛教練去帶隊...
作者: darkensun    時間: 2010-10-4 11:34 PM

4# selena127
作者: 自由神    時間: 2010-10-5 12:48 AM

曼聯有機會bo, 因為只要睇下近來三場作客, 只能和對手賽和, 和之前幾季不同, 點解, 咪又係因為個班主無錢給領隊增兵,
雖則阿老費講有錢有錢, 但是責務只是利息都吾夠還, 何來有錢簽入高質的球員...明知中場無能都 ...
limited-too 發表於 2010-10-4 03:13 PM
作者: HansChan    時間: 2010-10-5 01:33 AM

以往利記FANS成日都怪賓尼迪斯教得唔好, 今屆佢人都走左, 但成績依然咁差, 當日指阿記將會跌出BIG4行列O既球迷依家唔知仲有咩可以講la...
今次主場對黑池輸1-2, 歐霸對烏德勒支又踢到不知所謂, 利記個老闆再唔出售球 ...
darkensun 發表於 2010-10-4 01:41 AM
作者: terencey    時間: 2010-10-7 01:33 PM

以往利記FANS成日都怪賓尼迪斯教得唔好, 今屆佢人都走左, 但成績依然咁差, 當日指阿記將會跌出BIG4行列O既球迷依家唔知仲有咩可以講la...
今次主場對黑池輸1-2, 歐霸對烏德勒支又踢到不知所謂, 利記個老闆再唔出售球 ...
darkensun 發表於 2010-10-4 01:41 AM
Well, I am a Liverpool fan, but I don't think Rafa should bear all the blame. He has his ability, style of play and strong at tactical arrangement. That's why his track record in cup matches and European matches are impressive in general. However, it is not always work in English football.

Another thing is, the poor management of idiot American owners is also seriously damaging the club. They are extremely greedy, just care about the profit and no eye to see the overall development of the club. It is impossible for a football manager to work with them happily and properly. This difficult situation makes the club into a big trouble whether on and off the pitch. The strain relationship of senior management, no money and support from the management, uncertain future affecting the overall atmosphere of the club and players morale, then how to win games and get good results?

Just like Hodgson said, when he arrived the club, the players are "disenchanted", that means the atmosphere are very negative among the players during pre-season. After that, key players like Mascherano leave, but the lack of money force the club to sign new players like Poulsen and Konchesky are not up to standard. That means the club is further damaged, no matter the club development, manager's ability and performance of players, all these are very very painful to watch.

The season still have a lot of matches to play and they faced several top teams at a very beginning, that's why I still don't think Liverpool needs to fight for relegation. Moreover, the proposed sale agreed yesterday night means the club will have a fresh start. It may a boost for the club and return to the right track ......
作者: bigfish    時間: 2010-10-7 04:58 PM

12# terencey
英超水準較歐聯高, 歐聯踢得好唔代表英超入到前四
踢歐洲賽如果遇著意甲, 德甲, 法甲同西甲球隊可以話穩勝, 所以歐聯表現主要取決於過關路途上有冇遇上英超對手
作者: Winters    時間: 2010-10-8 01:39 AM

12# terencey  
英超水準較歐聯高, 歐聯踢得好唔代表英超入到前四
踢歐洲賽如果遇著意甲, 德甲, 法甲同西甲球隊可以話穩勝, 所以歐聯表現主要取決於過關路途上有冇遇上英超對手 ...
bigfish 發表於 2010-10-7 04:58 PM
作者: shehboy    時間: 2010-10-8 05:52 PM

另外big4都試過齊齊不濟,比布力般,列斯爆冷跑出, 其實咁仲刺激仲好睇!
作者: brightlee    時間: 2010-10-11 09:52 PM

另外big4都試過齊齊不濟,比布力般,列斯爆冷跑出, 其實咁仲刺激仲好睇!
shehboy 發表於 2010-10-8 07:52 PM
Remember Newcastle was 2nd in mid 90s too

Norwich City was 3rd in the first season under Premier League
作者: darkensun    時間: 2010-10-13 12:05 AM

16# brightlee
依家唔容易啦, BIG4 軍力同其他球隊差太遠, 就算主力失準一兩場, 都不致於去到季尾要護級
除非其中一隊出現軍心問題, 主力四散, 好似上季樸茅咁啦
當年冰島富商入主都令撲茅買左唔少實力不俗球星, 但一出現債務問題, 立刻打回原形, 現今BIG4即使球星大逃亡, 隊中依然有實力不俗的預備組小將可用, 所以我相信未來幾季BIG4都依然可以繼續排前六名
作者: terencey    時間: 2010-10-13 11:32 AM

本帖最後由 terencey 於 2010-10-13 12:07 PM 編輯

16# brightlee  
依家唔容易啦, BIG4 軍力同其他球隊差太遠, 就算主力失準一兩場, 都不致於去到季尾要護級
除非其中一隊出現軍心問題, 主力四散, 好似上季樸茅咁啦
當年冰島富商入主都令撲茅買左唔少實力不俗球星,  ...
darkensun 發表於 2010-10-13 12:05 AM
曾經有冰島富商入主的應該是 West Ham United  

The icelandic businessman is called Eggert Magnusson, his head is like an egg.

Profile --

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作者: shehboy    時間: 2010-11-19 03:54 PM

18# terencey


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