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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 卍~有冇人玩開band或者樂器呀~~卍
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I play guitar mainly...but i can also play bass, drums, bit of keyboards....so i basically play n write everything on my own song...but live..i play guitar...

play a variety of songs lar...but mainly i like jap metal n rock in the 80s...like SeikimaII, X-Japan, also like bands liek Luna Sea and L'Arc~en~Ciel

for english, i listen to anything thats rocking....Motley Crue, Guns n Roses, i like those cheesy LA 80s rocks..hahaha

what about u???
我係個鼓手,不過只係for band show 同練歌既時候~
我比較鐘意deep purple同jimmy hendrix,不過咩歌都會玩,like eagles ,bon jovi ,bee gees,beatles,eric clapton,queen
都係d rock song咁啦....不過都玩到悶,想轉下口味...
i play guitar...and piano too...
i got a band but still cant find bassist yet=_=...

recently we play some x's song like weekend, blue blood, scars...
we wanna play muse's song too...

my favourite band are: X, Muse, racer x....
deep purple is nice...but they get too repetitive..liek each song has a shadow of another song..espcially the guitar solo..structure n licks are same..

how long hv u play gt??
got some recordin of ur band play X??..i wana hear
係lu...我都覺..bon jovi都係....
guitar, drums, bass & piano
play Dream Theater , Liquid Tension Experiment, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Rush and Pink Floyd songs
i played for 4years already la...but still crap=.=...i dun always play j-rock as often as before on my own time...wanna try another songs..
how about u?

i got some before..like weekend and silent jealousy...but i lost them after i format my computerT_T..
guitar, drum,二胡..不過都放低晒。
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 音樂空間 » 卍~有冇人玩開band或者樂器呀~~卍

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