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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有雞先定有旦先~ 發表下意見
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我並不否定有雞先會有蛋...$ J6 H$ x0 y3 m! A) r; G. H/ U
3 u8 M3 r( Q! k3 c; x
Originally posted by 3366999 at 2005-11-12 02:05 PM:
/ e: R& v- T1 {( `我並不否定有雞先會有蛋...; \* R: p- s8 u2 |( c
8 t% [4 f# h: ]% u# V
+ y' P& T* i; T; e" N
7 R: j, l5 ]" h; V總之有雞呢個物種出現,都一定係經蛋出黎先既~~
軍階: 中尉
座機: RGM-79 SP II
開始準備聯邦軍官升級試! 向大尉軍階目標努力!!
Regardless the God Creation la....there is so many different theroy in the world...but what we studying in biology class is Evolution , right?
' a4 Q) ]: {! S9 _: Y9 x$ a: w& G. w+ B
From that point of view...it should Egg first!!!. S/ x5 L. ~/ K* m- t( o: Q$ L
The reason is becoz DNA is mutated in egg...maybe u would say where is that egg come from?? 2 V6 j4 e7 a5 S. a
it came from a creature that is similar to a chicken..but it is not have to be the same chicken as today! so....when that THING come out from that egg, is the chicken as today...so is egg first!!!!
9 J7 `3 ~; {& l# e5 f  r% }& V; f1 z( f$ U9 R: v. }
correct me if i am wrong... but i pretty sure is egg first..
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 有雞先定有旦先~ 發表下意見

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