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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點樣先會大隻d? [積極幫助+]
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點樣先會大隻d? [積極幫助+]

係咪要食肥左..先再練呢....?& R/ w) R- Q3 t
, ~' }- k- ~& C+ Q, v
* o) A. x: `( o/ Y, r$ m* r[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-6-7 at 08:13 PM ]
Originally posted by 阿細 at 2005-6-7 06:07 AM:
1 a' G6 j" @5 q, {) F係咪要食肥左..先再練呢....?
, u% ^$ ~/ P; p講下呀._."我想增肥同大隻d._."
+ [, x% U2 C. p& j' A8 m+ j* Sdon't eat fat,
3 I: K8 `; d- T) W9 Ojust eat more protein,egg white,beef,chicken and pig and pork chop,
$ {% q4 j/ Y* C5 W3 E  D1 dthen go to do gym,and eat more rice.
Sometimes its genetic so you can't do anything about it.
Originally posted by naz124 at 2005-6-7 06:44 AM:
0 `; _3 J% e! h% S1 I6 E! b6 eSometimes its genetic so you can't do anything about it.
: n% d; q! n8 U" ?agree with you,that's why some people only have bones no matter
! a- Z2 d; z6 {% Y9 Vhow much they eat while some people are so fat like pigs even they
/ b4 R/ D8 `7 J, w: w7 reat very little.
wow...本篤十六世$ P; F2 n* i) A. {3 {
how come u got -75????
* c7 O, W* `% c& j, [" F7 c# U8 [$ lthey made the mistake? or what did u do?
Originally posted by qweqweqwe at 2005-6-7 07:10 AM:4 M/ X, w8 Z" Q/ f8 }& p
% @# F; H! h( [2 E$ g. v, z# Jhow come u got -75????
; {1 ~1 n2 p9 P( tthey made the mistake? or what did u do?
* Z# h9 B! J# n2 D$ H
i will become a new 版主soon and i am so popular here, [  i  h5 m& p3 x5 d
everyone like me,they are just so jealous of me and
5 W- q( p4 O2 F9 j, E$ F' `deduct my points,it doesn't matter,don't be scared
Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-6-7 07:38 AM:
- T- n* N- E/ O7 v$ P4 I* r( N1 C9 t
: n1 h0 x( o; t# ~* Qi will become a new 版主soon and i am so popular here- h0 Y0 a; M& l: v; f: x8 n9 ]
everyone like me,they are just so jealous of me and
- U, [" {/ ?4 G  S1 S. B' t7 R3 Q) [5 @deduct my points,it doesn't matter,don't be scared
9 K6 q- {" X2 r
你就好la~hehe~有板主做~l like u too=3=~# k' U$ d  d2 J8 `! y1 l+ P- j  O
Originally posted by 阿細 at 2005-6-7 07:40 AM:* {0 b- x0 H( }+ a$ G

# i4 V) C- {5 u. {' B- I1 K你就好la~hehe~有板主做~l like u too=3=~( S: M8 E( V. m* M8 u. k
7 C- m; f* L3 N- m2 @- Eeveryone go there to support me,thanks
$ R+ f; a) r+ M; O9 a2 ihttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=53299&fpage=1
寧生壞命, 莫改壞名  Y) M+ O, b/ ~  ]: @: n
你改過你個名, 叫阿大就会大隻 d 架喇
最可靠嘅終生伴侶係.... 面油紙, 鼻貼<-- 答案   ^_^ '
Originally posted by singgeihot at 2005-6-7 12:36 PM:6 U" N. d! a* z
寧生壞命, 莫改壞名
& P8 N/ T" @+ I  g9 M你改過你個名, 叫阿大就会大隻 d 架喇
2 y! b3 M1 ?# o( b5 ^0 M1 i
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 點樣先會大隻d? [積極幫助+]

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