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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家點睇食煙既靚女 ?
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Originally posted by jen01 at 2008-5-27 02:41 AM:. f! _4 c- ^; f' ?
5 B4 ^7 p8 a+ M- o我亦唔介意佢食煙,$ \" j& b- J2 M
, D8 M7 n# g6 S( f2 _: j自己衰就算啦," b3 C9 q9 i! M: h
! L+ o7 S+ U+ S- ^( t+ l# p- L0 [唔想人食一手煙, 但就迫人食二手煙 ! F/ S3 Q* c; r7 d

. J& {0 P; h6 }對我黎講, 一個女仔食煙就已經變得唔再靚喇
我本人不食煙, 亦不介意身邊的女仔or 女人食煙, 但我好介意自己女朋友食!
9 C* Q/ @; q/ b6 P% ^' \" E7 }9 W因為一來食煙對身體唔好, 二來本人覺得如果自己女朋友食煙是不好的事!
0 J! I# ]' p, V9 ]( h5 D& z, Y* P/ l因此如果比我選擇的話, 女朋友一定要唔食煙!
Sorry Kiss 唔落
i dont smoke. / s; k4 d- |, U- r: N* x+ ^+ x
my mum smokes.. 8 w8 r. r; ?) ]: p0 }/ K
but i dont think my mum is not a "good woman"..9 _7 q) t2 t/ Q4 N/ K+ S" x
the point is, smoking and personality arent co-related- Q, F$ \. \5 e6 T+ Q' Q
smoking is one of the "bad habits".. 1 {" c+ e2 j) B8 G( _: F7 Z# l
it's like consuming alcohol, saying dirty words.. or even sleeping late, bad result in studies..
0 n  _9 c; }0 {* W, q3 @! Zthe question could be like "would you choose a girl who studies bad?"1 ~/ x( b) I  ^1 ]' a
it really depends, different people have different habits..1 |/ ^# v( Z! ~* F6 s1 q! G
usually boys who dont smoke wouldnt like his gf to smoke..: P; `# C1 z& o% }- k; m8 \
ur topic is a bit discriminate..3 k# ]( s+ B  w; R
i believe that girls who dont smoke, would not like her bf to smoke..
! B4 Z; p/ m0 f4 k  o8 xit's totally the same..
4 s, A+ ~* z/ u# p7 @( g3 di said it depends, it depends on how much you love that person..
: E$ s9 n& Q6 F- {1 A- M* Z! ]: yi cant tell you if i "must / must not" find a partner who smokes..
& t5 a! s: L' q" q" }4 T& L& `well.. wt i can tell is that, i dont want my partner to smoke..# `! B, u/ r8 W
it's bad to health, affecting the people around, etc etc..
) e* D8 R; {- I2 H7 V4 q9 K3 u) l+ A# xin fact everything could be concluded in a few words,
9 K+ u& P$ O1 W% b' I"i believe no one would like any thing "bad" from his/her partner, and every reasonable person would agree that smoking is a bad thing, hence, most of the people would prefer a partner who doesnt smoke, no matter what appearence he/she has"; A2 I0 D9 G, c+ A+ V8 J- }" m, \
of course, a better appearence would have marks added.: s, x/ [6 B. t  h/ Q6 ]4 Z( t
a good topic anyway
& J+ m) Y& H( v
0 O: U! A% K) L( N" m[ Last edited by Kev on 2008-5-27 at 10:48 AM ]
Originally posted by jen01 at 2008-5-27 01:31 AM:
8 B# T) i7 y* ^9 F/ z其實女仔食煙有咩問題呢 ??- E( \: o& q" V) b" h

* G, H9 P% ?) d3 o7 N6 p! o% D食煙就=wet妹 ??5 d- N% c; V: P8 Z
食煙就=唔係好女仔 ??
" O8 U2 d- v$ d1 }8 F% z食煙會好難稱上叫""靚女""
' z3 k, q( L; j( Q4 t- H3 d1 |因為食煙 會令自己皮膚質素變差 要靠厚粉去修補 愈食愈多時 茶粉底也會愈來愈多  人望來落去第一個反應是""咁厚粉"", V/ G9 |( q. u) V0 ]

* \& q/ {6 E3 C! G- k同埋食煙會令牙齒變黑  指甲也會發黑你話啦 又點會有機會係靚女
Originally posted by e_e at 2008-5-27 03:42:. N2 i; P4 j3 X: I/ {& L6 S

' a  L  a" g9 C6 G8 O/ \" M7 C我都識一個食煙+粗口既守身如玉
! c2 q+ X: g/ a5 u1 W, H# ^
食煙+粗口嘅女子簡直perfect!!!# d' t- D0 _3 o# ^* }
& ?/ S3 r. K2 D( o- Q8 }
最討厭扭扭捏捏扮淑女。0 }1 H- s9 h! q4 e4 y9 ~# k+ y
( u' i  A- q6 Y6 v
[ Last edited by QuiGonJinn on 2008-5-27 at 02:25 PM ]
Originally posted by jen01 at 2008-5-27 03:25 AM:
" M0 G7 j7 w( k& ~; q5 v, _; f
5 K) z% E. j( m% d0 m今次非常支持你嘅觀點8 V. a- h$ l. C8 @' q- t$ q6 c
同埋係平時,同佢講講下野,6 i* N/ d; S, ?. l4 [0 b
佢無啦啦爆兩句粗口,打你兩下,5 O" I) Q6 F; S: c# r% d& o, ?

& l9 w! f% b5 D( B6 @9 p+ @: V) e1 ^$ P$ s6 m: N; G
p.s.我會好開心# f2 g7 |7 |, P* o( {& l
: y$ O3 a, L* b! j# J$ G7 u- m5 N2 l$ [
/ [! v: [  p% M# Y0 i/ Z4 w
7    6      5    4     3    2    1
Originally posted by Triangel at 2008-5-27 02:44 PM:2 l% b& V9 p5 p: L7 c
, {4 q) b8 U8 f' |& F. R4 a6 y7 Z

& k2 r: a% f: o
' ~2 y% S: @- @
2 K# ~; N9 R) e" L- I7 n4 q
* R0 s" I- R7 t( Z
咩意思呢 ??
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2008-5-27 09:57 AM:
# A2 Q' X1 w7 Q+ t. p) `* Z8 e$ t2 @, ^5 v& v* n1 y
唔想人食一手煙, 但就迫人食二手煙 " P8 ?/ s4 t3 n& p# t! ^6 d# W

( }) w' R/ R* D. r% ~對我黎講, 一個女仔食煙就已經變得唔再靚喇
$ q% n. n  ^! a1 @5 O2 @0 y; }6 g3 p; ~/ V3 o9 z, j# ?
1 ~3 n* m* f. O6 N7 Y; L( w& e而且我都唔鐘意大街大項食煙,好似食比人睇咁
0 U1 k" _" `1 q( E
0 O; K7 w( U0 c; L& k我會自己一個係屋企食,; v3 ?8 x4 f& q' h9 ~0 ]
Originally posted by ckyckk at 2008-5-27 03:51 AM:
# k3 t  |& O1 _) {6 E* H0 B. b6 P( E+ G- H
0 q# r" |) Y' t" `* y
相信 mhkk 佢冇食煙習慣6 X: o) P, N6 N! n
3 Q  V, ^6 W: @# O7 U
+ ?' X* ~7 y& y- v% D
8 e+ n) e' H0 Z6 a" u& I7 Z' G
% _/ }- ^  b  s6 N
, D) @( P: `; N2 f% G: r[ Last edited by ckyckk on 2008-5-27 at 04:02 AM ]

Har Gow Dumplings un Soy Sauce
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家點睇食煙既靚女 ?

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