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5 T) @# [$ R2 F  _/ A) m
6 p' g  E, S" i/ r6 Y各位明ng明白???如果明白...有什麼意見??
Originally posted by Chingy at 2006-10-18 02:00 AM:& H, B4 r0 o' `: q+ e# X# G' Z
" ^( ]- L- b; t# ?  K; u
& n. T$ l3 N0 z+ b+ G各位明ng明白???如果明白...有什麼意見??
3 H. {/ ?* _4 S5 W5 o2 }; [, t$ D- |: e0 k
你係咪想講 ' x: T6 P! |* Q: i

, p$ g" w, L2 ~8 `+ Q6 C7 _冇話貴唔貴 , 只有值唔值
What im trying to say is im study in uk for 4 yrs already...and now i want to quit...but everyone were saying if i come back then i will waste money and time overhere...but i though i didnt waste anything...i think my life in uk was worth it...
" P  ?$ W* h$ k" q5 Y
! s: A" W* y/ t; `4 Uand now im confuessing about should i leave or stay??
凡事兩睇. 走的話, 有人可以話你白費4年. 留的話, 有人可以話你白費多幾年.
Originally posted by Chingy at 2006-10-18 02:00 AM:1 |2 Z0 o5 r( E% j$ @" U1 M0 ~
沒有白費!!!只有值ng值得!!!, |8 o  P& o; @

  v2 A) o" w7 ^各位明ng明白???如果明白...有什麼意見??
. u; H$ V6 k5 A, d8 m
1 J3 _: O3 T' @) L: O1 {
* x6 T4 q) h7 h, x1 x2 h7 G
i guess it's about what YOU  are thinking , feeling and planning .! V$ U3 X" f/ S/ y

3 y9 s. ^! O6 ]no one can convince u if u do really feel and think that it's best for urself.' b( A" d5 g( [5 ^6 v" o! {
I'd been a quitter once , now i am happy i made this decision.
IU   vs  UI
I won't GIVE it UP!  as a WOMAN, I must work hard for our Happiness~~~ ^^

Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-18 12:52 PM:1 N7 Q5 V7 z5 _  E
! k" Y4 G! V. i3 a/ u3 }
, [% f. G5 d! G' v4 F3 S' y& z; n" V
& h7 ~* E1 f$ J% z
i guess it's about what YOU  ...
7 E3 t; ]. D1 t

7 y: B* s' ?& I3 ~But what did u do when u get back to hong kong???i no everything start is very hard...but how u get through it????and do u think tht sentence was right???
Originally posted by Chingy at 2006-10-18 10:10 PM:
4 v& k& T" `  @$ w! K4 V# Q
$ B5 T% ]6 C& f7 s; B, m: r' d6 f
But what did u do when u get back to hong kong???i no everything start is very hard...but how u get through it????and do u think tht sentence was right???
% k8 q; t3 x2 z2 [. O5 y

1 P. C2 j' o9 u, m0 @4 i2 {( B
: s& m. K- X; Y: dI THINK it's right , but I was not back to HONG KONG , I was back to Macau
' d- N0 P5 m* W2 z; L
% j* O& A* `7 o) r" j; {! Oand actually those times i spent in other places are treasures even it's hard to get through ... but life's always like that .4 B8 \4 s! q! U* I+ B
IU   vs  UI
I won't GIVE it UP!  as a WOMAN, I must work hard for our Happiness~~~ ^^

Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2006-10-18 10:15 PM:  c  g" r: R% d
3 g% w; Y% G4 E5 Q5 z6 B
1 ]* q( Z" T2 _! k" ^
, |( [' F/ N. W' W9 f
I THINK it's right , but I wa...
& W, R1 v8 I) A0 X. C: j+ _9 U+ O6 T9 s9 Y+ e  u( V
i no...i dun think the time i spent here is waste...but how u get on when u get bk to macau??how u start agen??
Originally posted by Chingy at 2006-10-19 01:14 AM:, Q) f1 X, l# I  S/ m
6 P! `3 ]) O+ Q3 L
# G. G6 g# D* V5 T. J' N* b
i no...i dun think the time i spent here is waste...but how u get on when u get bk to macau??how u start agen??
! K8 j. Z1 ~1 P5 X2 V0 B9 N( f1 K) o! O' `/ g6 J' q% D' }$ C& P
just follow my intuition and insist on everything i've planned . and, be myself .
IU   vs  UI
I won't GIVE it UP!  as a WOMAN, I must work hard for our Happiness~~~ ^^

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