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0 A" m" s. }! f! O% I8 w  ?: Z& }THAT'S MY ANSWER..../ }8 O& \+ X& g7 ?

0 R* r7 b. B5 ^# k7 k[ Last edited by so1874 on 2005-5-2 at 11:03 AM ]


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Don't think too much6 H; |/ V0 Y% h& O" F
做好一個人! j4 k! T9 X. a2 m! K1 v, W
和愛自己的人一起:家人,愛人,朋人5 {! Z  U. B) D4 y9 _* X7 m
Originally posted by jason williams at 2005-5-2 12:11 AM:
; O  S% i" C9 `4 ^2 F享受人生!+ w& o  U& ]+ b! @2 z. e
4 |+ g* B' \) q& R

/ ~6 v( J: ^$ ]  [, Vtotally agree agree with you! life is a chance for us to enjoy!
我問過一個人,佢答我為左交配=.=繁殖後代6 C  z# _' {$ t$ S! v; y3 ^* V$ }

, M8 o5 p/ H9 z9 O我現在只想找到愛....肉麻=,=
If I can find one thing that I have passion for in my life and actually do it to pay my bills. I am very happy at the end of my life.% r: }- U6 W. R3 _

, f0 r6 Y* h$ w4 B# HA story goes like this: When a man was in his 20s he had a great plan for what he can accomplish when he reaches 30 yrs old. Times flies very quickly and when he was 30 he realized he spent too much time planning and not doing anythings. So he started to envision what his ideal life would be when he reach 40 yrs old. The picture was very clear but it requries a lot of sacrifices and hard work. This man says to himself, "I am smart and know how to find short cuts, so i have lots of time." He waited for the opportunity for short cuts and believe it will come. On his 40th birthday he realized the opportunity didn't come. Though he didn't accomplish anything regarding his dream/passion,                               the man   believe he have time on his side. After all, he's only 40 yrs old. Having a clear picture of his passion/dream and knowing  hard work is needed , he set out to pursuit his goal. Only to find out    his strength is no longer where he used to be and  the  blueprint for his dream is now outdated.  Ten years flies pretty quickly and our friend is left with regrets on his 50th b-day, thinking about what he could have done.) T* b+ M  b* a+ g: n

; B0 N/ T& t! I- A3 q: UThe point of this story is not getting  your dream actualized in front of your eyes, but to expereince the journey along the pursuit. Whether we can get the  desired result or not should not be the only calculator of our purpose in life.  (People can die in young age, remember?                      ). How we live our lives are more important the accomplishments we achieved.
& X; @. L7 V7 B8 w( F7 P) r
! F8 z0 e* R2 ]7 k. ]I  spent years getting my training to work at the hospital. 10 yrs of serious education is not easy. When I see my other friends have houses, cars and babies sometimes I wonder why am I so slow in the rat race. But  helping patients is what I love  to do (and it's pays well too) and  though  my schedule is irregular and tiring (I often get complains from my wife), seeing patients get well is the best reward of the hardship and suffering I endured  at university and internship." ]. d; x/ L9 `' C4 O* u
# J" s* \+ @7 R# x
If I die tomorrow, I would have no regrets because      I  lived a full life. I can never do everything I like to do in life (like climbing Mt. Everest) but at least I have a goal and tried.
人生在世就是為了解決問題,, |& s  m* Q) Q' A" {  B
人生係為左............./ q, p- G# r# h% x/ s

' l9 l9 A' ?# d; ~& O! H& f3 V+ A6 @
% J$ E6 h* b7 [! `- F% g出人頭地
人未必可以做到自己喜歡既事, 因為要搵錢過活(尤其係經濟唔好)
& k% h# [8 W* ?: _* e2 L7 G不過如果有時間/$許可下就可以做下d 有意義既事/ W  L9 D  v- M, t
我覺得人世可以做好多嘢 , ! c6 S% [' L, k& M. N
讀書, 做工, 結婚, 生仔, 退休, 玩 , 去旅遊 ...... 0 ]# ?" d% p# ?. A
我覺得只要安安穩穩生活 ,
. v+ ^8 ?8 c: g抱住樂觀 , 希望嘅心態 , ) d, s/ O# R2 P3 V: O- j8 [/ d+ o
人生中都可以有好多樂趣 .
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/02吹水加分題] 人生在世

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