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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/10吹水加分題]每個人嘅人生係咪整定咗嘅呢?
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對於呢d 野, 我有好深刻ge 體會
8 e, M+ y, p; s' D唔知有冇人有d 預感# _. M2 P5 Y$ v8 b9 y+ F; J
例如眼眉跳o個d7 L! {0 Y+ U- X- g
有時, 我左眼跳, 都知有衰野發生
' ?3 v; b4 v7 T! n# Z我知係有d 唔好ge 野發生, 但係避免唔倒
3 {$ E+ A, g& h" O假設個例子, 丫婆拉架車仔落樓梯, d 野好重
& Y* H( ?+ ]  V" U7 @1.我唔幫佢, 睇住佢d 野跌哂落去, 個心唔安落或者整到自己+ u# ]8 u$ V0 V0 C; ]) P; s1 W
2. 我幫佢, 定係連我都唔小心look 埋落去
  t  I  q) m6 n% z: o/ m但係就算點決定, 個"不幸"始終都會發生3 t7 M$ ^; w- ~
# C& p/ C- L, {9 ^
唔知大家有冇睇過hunter X hunter
, ~, f1 [1 |( n古拿比加虜走左團長, 個女仔知道成件事
9 v6 t' ~0 b) X! l: i) T究竟個女仔講俾其他人聽係背叛, 定係唔講係背叛呢
: J# d) V! G/ V! z6 E
, p% ^% I- M8 n7 F可能有d 人覺得我咁諗太過消極, 又或者太信命4 {5 r7 t8 {+ j8 f% f
無可否應, 我都覺得係, 但我又唔會咁樣而頹廢& a7 q) W' r+ i
有時我會覺得, 個命運要我努力讀書
- t$ @# m% m; x' k. |7 L我就努力讀書, 個命運叫我勇敢面對一切! t  i5 l, w- S6 T
我比較相信命運會比一樣更好ge 野俾我
& {& b6 c' B! }0 H而佢就會帶領我去做: v; _( G5 z7 c- i7 P
至於命運令我諗做唔做好, 我就算點做
2 c$ {+ S4 z/ o; k1 v( ~個命運ge 答案好似己經一早出來了
: {, n  t6 \% G; N: P* z) B6 m( e- A( a8 j/ j# g9 ^
所以, 別想得太多了, 享受命運給你的安排吧~0 I0 e- p. n2 b1 p
& L( C* H" r* `2 g1 X# _( [) m/ i( R; {
塔羅牌書其中有一句" U  j  _" G$ @1 C
如果你唔鍾意你ge 命運, 試下改變你ge 想法$ m) @9 d2 V/ h0 \# E& y' S0 V  r
命運會順從你的意思來行的  `  ^* G; N. ~! p" }, s" f
# E# @! s+ g7 q' E+ O4 X' L; H
[ Last edited by waterfire on 2005-5-10 at 02:36 AM ]
其實有時人生 d 路可能真係整定
# Z8 u* k# \$ ?6 d如果你生o係 d 有錢家庭, 真係唔多洗憂# r- c* I& K/ U" `, K
但如果你出世果陣你屋企窮, 要上位, 要發達, 真係俾其他人辛苦好多# E4 U& ]3 q8 d+ C! c. a
0 U8 q* l! `+ `  A$ u; B! W& L% W: V' i
你既身體基本上係天生, 遺傳得好既, 樣靚身型正, L0 \% s7 S. G) v
一個唔好彩, 五官不全, 真係喊都無用
2 G' U$ e8 Y8 N5 _
( j# ?; K) C1 s+ g) k不過....又唔好話咩都聽天由命, 隨遇而安5 G' u. L7 v# N! B1 o/ l
雖然個天舖條路俾你, 但係條路點行係你決定
! }( z6 K) u* K% a8 i* Y人生人咁多分叉路, 你揀得好既 ....咪可以有機會上位囉; N/ c1 N! x# _" g' f
& t' ?  j. Z" {- w# ^8 j條條大路通羅馬
/ p. o2 ]- q+ E" _* \7 B+ `% |# g. {- k. X4 n& K) A1 d0 Z
雖然有陣係俾人辛苦 d, 但係人定勝天
' Z5 ]( q# `( m/ X- G" S如果你有個心去挑戰既, 個天玩你唔死既
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-5-9 07:50 PM:+ y, C9 z' o% c; \7 f

6 Z- T: r" Z8 V7 m
" N. j9 H& _* vdo u believe this articles and just copy and Paste this articles?
# \2 ~& u8 V5 {1 X6 T5 F2 l* T0 _7 ^+ e
Sorry, I am curious about it.
8 i7 C2 O- ]- I) s1 }" N
% x+ S* K1 b( L$ ?; q# L, Z: r
hey Brightlee bro...be nice....
3 Z- C" q. Y1 D/ U4 {9 }- t. ^8 L' A3 T! l* [2 J; x0 e4 f
I am more interested in the motivation behind the question...will the answer change the way we go about life?$ x# M7 D, a% G  E8 v
% p0 A* k( P  r. D; X6 P  ^# A
3 Scanarios:
8 J% H! w/ e1 y8 q  G5 MA) Life is pre-destined (representing worldview/religion: Hinduism/some form of Buddhism and existential philosophies)# @  B$ ]: q) W
- Anyone who has some knowledge of kinetics can never deined the intellegence design behind our physical body. The two major thoughts in this type are ultra-Calvinism in Christianity and Hinduism. it's like you don't even choose anything...everything is 'programmed' and you just follow what's supposed to happen. We are in essence, robots.
! |, c* R, @; B5 b7 k! m+ W! b. T; X9 Q2 ]3 D5 @
B) Life is a mix of pre-destination and total self-control (representating worldview/religion: Evangelical Christianity, Zen and most New Age religions, and humanistic beliefs, post-modern thoughts) Most of us probably fall into this catagory. We do believe in some sort of super Being but also trust that we have some say in our life. The Being may control our destiny, but not what I have for dinner. We do want to choose and have our ways in major decisions in life (getting good grades at school/great job offer) but we also know we need help in achieving them. That's why we claim to be in control and yet go to temples for incense burning.5 a' p* a, ?) R) g4 E+ C

( r. \- S  x& ^7 v1 EC) Life is total self-control (representating worldview/religion: atheism, modernism in particularly during the golden ages of the 1960s-80s, and Stalin/Mao's way of communism (not Fidel Castro's in Cuba))0 u% j. |% \* O& F* c4 f& F
-Frankly, I doubt if anyone is a purist in this catagory. Almost most people believe in some form of Being that's beyond their own control ($, fate, relationships). In fact if you are reading this post in the forum, you believe in some form of communal relationship in life. (otherwise you would be a sojourner on your own) It will be very sad if someone genuinely believes in total self-control of life. He/she would be very lonely and sad deep within.  Z& {, e6 x/ f7 D: ^( C5 `+ B
& {! j, Y. H5 }7 G
My 2 cents is this: There's no right/wrong in the views above. But do we know where we really are and is our behavior in life consistent with what we claim to believe? ( I have seen  so called 'atheist' go do palm-reading, etc.) A deeper level here is to understand what events/people in your life contribute to your beliefs today. That's the key to a more content life, despite the fact that we'll all die someday.
1 Q4 r, n* a/ i4 \7 A- p, B- o9 K* z' b/ \0 z
Does it make a difference if we know our journey (at least a chunk of it) is 'programmed' by someone/something? We'll still work hard for our exams/jobs. We'll still strive for excellence in our relationship with others. We'll still go on vacations in exotic places. Why? Because no one knows the entire picture of life...and that's the beauty of living.( r8 Y8 P2 ^4 l) w8 E

, p2 \9 w3 C* YMy apology for the long sharing...hope it will stir up some thoughts.

我認為人生可以話係整定咗 ,2 ?6 w# H& v! S4 d' Z+ o/ e1 W0 N- c
又唔可以話係整定咗嘅 .6 a2 n, s6 m- I0 d0 `3 t1 ^
一個人嘅一生 ,+ b# t6 a3 O: ^( ]$ I1 a# P
只在乎你點 ,係邊方面去睇啫 ,
3 Y0 |" v# L' @' Q/ @4 `. X5 d如果本身唔係有錢或聰明咁可以點 ,8 Q5 j; y5 f9 ]3 M0 I0 F
人雖然可能一出生就唔公平 ,
2 v. X0 Z* ?- G( e但是只要後天自己奮鬥得番o黎 ,) Y8 {' f$ s' y: K7 P6 h; W+ T
你可以活得好有意義 .
i agree with this post
4 a" T; ^7 `! i" g) Lhttp://www.26fun.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=42382
. P1 @9 _; P( X7 a+ h. ~2 \
1 i# D) {4 E- o- `& n  m[轉貼][勵志]一切只在於你的心境
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-10 09:14:* l. \8 k* R9 B  ^3 L8 G
' x* t: c7 U0 u5 r1 @( A
  Y3 w3 n, A9 j/ c' Y- ]! F
hey Brightlee bro...be nice.......
2 e0 t- J- p8 {
4 v$ P4 `1 l3 X6 j( j" W
Oh, you may misunderstand me.....0 |- J- g0 x# x7 y6 \2 Y1 Q3 W

* s7 l# [8 T+ n/ wOf cos I read that book, that's one of the greatest book I have seen so far in my life, and it effects me a lot in my life.
% u! l0 }% m4 L/ X: OI am curious about it... is... does he only just copy and paste that chapter? or does he apply what he learn in the book??( N1 p, y: w% l- s
" s% n# b$ @' a! y+ s: c' E
Sorry, maybe my question was misunderstanding everyone.
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
  o2 w8 e) m( k& f! \努力d  李嘉成都有得做啦...
- T% ~: ~3 p. G$ r唔靚仔既話....整下容掛...雖然係人工美...
大致上是整定7 p: W1 @3 _8 _
問: 每個人嘅人生係咪整定咗嘅呢?
2 R% ]+ x# S1 u7 G, S. Q: Q) }1 B# i; M$ F
答:i don't think so, i hear some "C 父" said 性格 can change 命運, so change your 性格 can also change your 命運. And i think that's good for all of us. So DON"T give up!!!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [5/10吹水加分題]每個人嘅人生係咪整定咗嘅呢?

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