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真實美國校園槍擊錄影 !

唔係 今次戈單,,, $ p0 k5 j0 Q  a

+ m2 o4 i* s, `/ j5 ^0 |睇唔到既話自己求其申請個ac ... but一定要 填大過 18 歲; H; D( R6 n9 C0 c1 h- u

0 H) ^4 J5 j+ o2 h" ~1 J唔使comfime e-mail... 按上一頁就睇到+ |( |* K" e; v" q+ W7 Z# `
5 N3 }1 U7 ?: x* H" ~- L
要有心理準備 先好睇 ! . L: D6 m& ]4 \+ w

# `, R$ a0 @  x! X/ Y6 T, Khttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G ... related&search=
it is just a stupid movie .. 樓主係咪唔識英文亂咁轉貼
PLEASE READ BEFORE WATCHING:This is the shooting scene FROM THE MOVIE ZERO DAY where the two kids planning to shoot up their school. It goes through their life, portraying them as ordinary people. The next person who sends me a message about 'how horrible it is that i posted a video of the Columbine shooting, shut the filter-038 up. this is not columbine. this is from a movie called ZERO DAY. It's a completely fictional movie. The actors that played the two shooters are still alive today. Their names are Andre Keuck and Cal Robertson. The shooting scene in this movie was May 1st, 2000. The actual Columbine High School shooting occured on April 20th,1990. The Columbine shooters died by a bookcase, in this movie the shooters die in front of a couch. In the Columbine shootings, Eric Harris wore a white shirt and black pants. Dylan Klebold wore a black shirt and black pants. The woman on 911 screams "Andre" repeatedly, the name of the shooter in this movie. Neither of the Columbine gunman were named so. Honestly, I could go on for reasons to prove that this clip is not from the Columbine High School massacre. (more)
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 真實美國校園槍擊錄影 !

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