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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家覺得在現實世界裏以下邊三個最重要[00+][積極+]
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I couldn't help to think those ppl who voted for Attitude are those who don't want to work hard and have no knowledge.  
- z' u8 Z/ u8 B2 {2 O, p, l' [9 z" S" X. D% r6 K4 M8 l
Anyways, my vote goes to hardwork.
以我覺得就係三樣都係一樣咁重要,, T; M4 k. W* ~1 R1 S4 p, a
但態度係最重要,如果你對你住你d上司) w/ t8 E  c8 |7 R1 |" e
態度唔好,就真係比機會佢抄你既,如果你對你上司# E& _  J5 P  e6 g0 {) w
既態度好d,起碼佢至少唔會討厭你,+ s5 ?* K$ f4 {; X

( k, W/ l$ _2 p. O; ^2 r比勁多野你做,又駡下你而知識都係唔可以小既,- ?* g1 W; G, _+ B
如果你好多野唔識,佢咁唔會比多d野你做," M; E2 x! \3 X
對你就一般啦但係努力,我覺得就係一般啦,1 }$ m1 H2 ?2 p
! e7 Q0 ]+ O/ o3 Q9 x5 ~
你雖然努力,但你既努力人地會唔會容易比人見到,, q# H  E( N- m& _: w& C
努力左你自己知道,有d人會知,但係你上司可能唔係好知.& |& A; W" _0 h+ M  z2 e4 X; }0 H( U2 z
可能會以為你d野做好耐都未做好,其實你做好,想再做好d6 a" X7 z) k, E; v5 e* W; W4 Z5 J
5 H% b; i) Y) ^; ^- P. ~& s1 a如果你知識勁, 人人冇左你吾得, 禁其他就無所謂, 有最好, 冇亦無人吹得你漲
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Can we possibly accquire all knowledges necessary for career?
3 W- E. }5 X/ g9 n8 c- N- g# p/ m/ O8 R5 W9 Q) D0 n
The reality is knowledge builds faster than we can say the word 26FUN these days. Most, if not all of us, are doing catch up. Sure we need a minimum amount of knowledge for our 'convenience' in career (like a Bachelor's) if we have some sort of expectations in our standard of living. On the contrary, blindfully trusting knowledge's power would only disappoint us in the long run. One good example is back in the 80s and 90s many youngsters from the Greater China Region memorized the whole TOEFL exam and did well on the real test. If they were to be tested on the spot for their English skills (both convesational and written) the results would look gorgous. But the reality is high TOEFL scores doesn't transform one to have good Eng commands. They have the knowledge but their adaptability is awefully low and they contributed to their struggles as new students.. C$ \2 T2 X" h* B  y2 _
8 p4 Q  e- ~! {9 Y4 }
I am surprised to see only 2 votes in hardwork...don't know if the word brings too many negative connotations to our dear members...my definition of hardwork is "to maintain a consistant pace and effort while consciously enough not to burn oneself out". I would cast my votes on hardwork because knowledge and attitude won't show up until hardwork drives them to work!
' S$ C5 Q. S6 Y; J7 m1 J- y' K  y# |! x3 |# y  v( r" f) T3 H
At M$ there used to be a way of evaluating members of a team when the project is done. Each member (including the team leader) is given a sum of points and he/she would have to give points to each member accordingly. The trick here is you only have so many points (say 30) and you have to divide them between yourself and other members. (If you give yourself 10 then you only leave 20 for 4 other members, for example) The interesting thing of this scale is the highest point getters aren't necessary the one who are the smartest (lots of knowledge) or hardest working (there are many), but ones who process the best attitude (not necessary shoe-shinning) among group members. , c0 ], \. n* H
' P8 g$ V" ^1 o9 l
Let's be frank here, only 17% of people aged from 18-25 of this world get the chance to study beyond Secondary education. Knowledge doesn't come like a piece of cake and many are deprived. Attitude is somehow inborn and you may not be able to change it drastically. If you have the above items, great! But if you don't, hardwork at least gives you a chance to do fairly in life. / k  C# N- M. ?, w3 e0 w% n0 ?
9 l1 U# u4 S0 k% l8 ~: K! [
And for those who played around w/ this question, shame on you!
Originally posted by 本篤十七世 at 2005-8-11 07:27 PM:
: h" S7 C& z& W+ @) y# B: m: OCan we possibly accquire all knowle...
8 K1 L& v" g7 V! r  }真好,又見到你~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 大家覺得在現實世界裏以下邊三個最重要[00+][積極+]

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