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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » DAMN!Those fuxking Chinese Sure do eat funny!!like filter-037 animals man!!
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y the westerns just isolate the chinese and the people whose skin in dark!!!
2 K1 h% |; c# q+ G1 f3 N, ]  W9 Z* s* j. B8 s7 d' \
God da_n the fu_king guys don't know wht curlture is!!! Their culture is not so long!!! they cannot discus s about culture with us...with we chinese!!! + _& l7 [# e/ M2 G8 e

( j5 |& Y2 I2 D9 n! F  r2 tThe westerns just eat the bread, meat.... they just know fried the food~
: K& w- o6 Z+ Q( yThey don't know wht cooking is!!! They all get fu_k in cooking, they don't know wht cooking is~. u$ g8 q- T4 I& b* G
& Z% z; O3 g! ^) x0 X4 s
They said that"no class"~Holy Sh_t!!!$ ]7 j: V7 ]3 j  p8 M# w

" p$ J, s6 _( p[ Last edited by yeahchan on 2005-7-31 at 09:57 PM ]
Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-31 09:36 PM:$ y* p8 N7 K+ J6 [. r' P
乜可以 quote 條 link 去人地d bbs ? ...
  X8 w( c  P. {6 d3 h0 U1 t+ U! q

% q: \, A  Z8 c, Z2 c" k你去搜索下bwk0317以往的posting就知佢識幾多中文字. 點攪佢都係佢口中的Fuxking Chinese. 還要係極品呀.
Honestly,when you respect to ppl,
7 M; I; M4 g5 ~) }ppl also respect you.
# I2 \( V. m9 |; @  Y' HThis is the style of some foolish guy/immature thinking% {. J" A, I9 [7 N& |! H( `1 l
when they sometime need(or force) to adopt chinese style...3 l- }9 H- c7 y
they will learn how wrong they were
Originally posted by michaelwong71 at 2005-7-31 10:11 PM:  ~" k# K" r$ _5 S. ]
, Q1 |+ `$ e9 f0 S. L
& f8 O, P. e& }9 U6 `! P
你去搜索下bwk0317以往的posting就知佢識幾多中文字. 點攪佢都係佢口中的Fuxking Chinese. 還要係極品呀.
- q7 c' _( M- k- k" O$ q
  m/ \( E7 ^1 M! n% h1 @: @請睇 thread #10, 我覺得佢連 fxxxxxx chinese 都冇資格叫. 應該連 chinese 都刪除, 只可以叫 fxxxxxx 人.
小弟唔易做, 大佬更難當
飲茶你行先, 吹水我最叻 (好文區茶客 - 冰鮮潛龍™寫於人間死城)
I think these guys are racist, so i post this out and let you guys know!7 n! u) A9 t: Y- L  {! }

8 x6 e. H, E9 F* j* k. X# }My purpose is to stimulate you guys 'nationalism' and let u guys know there is many anti-chinese power around the world! 6 s+ B! r! D( x5 `5 M& @/ H: E

$ K3 x7 }8 J6 Vfatfatdrogon dont get mistake, refer to the website I provided in #1!
Again, I am not the one who write these, its from an American forum!
Originally posted by bwk0317 at 2005-7-31 10:26 PM:
& t% r& x: o: j* w! n* C& N4 [Again, I am not the one who write these, its from an American forum!
/ @( A7 v2 n5 w* W: F8 N& q& `2 N6 Y' \9 ]
中國人, 不要驚怕. 要怕的時候已經過了. 美國人是奈何不了我們的. 只要自強自重. 不亢不卑就可以了.
Originally posted by fatfatdragon at 2005-7-31 10:15 PM:) U2 _1 Q+ \) h
3 g$ f; A3 Z+ x- N
) h9 i, r) ]7 E( o  E. c* p
請睇 thread #10, 我覺得佢連 fxxxxxx chinese 都冇資格叫. 應該連 chinese 都刪除, 只可以叫 fxxxxxx 人.
# S/ o% u  B" F" `4 p# `2 V
! Q, R) U3 L7 i" T$ pfatfatdragon, u dont even know what is happening then u attack me, u should apologize to me! Im not the one who wrote this, i just post it here to encourage a filter-004ion, i also provided the reference link. And u seemed assume im the writer, u should shut ur mouth at the first place!
接受唔到人地既文化好似係佢既問題.....# @: \" m1 E$ c& I8 f8 v
forum 個賤人係唔係精神有問題????
6 M$ t" T% F) M8 x# N個個地方食野既方法都唔同,
- p" A' L! Q5 [. R( ^* q搞到咁偏激我覺得佢係表現出佢自己既無知
Originally posted by bwk0317 at 2005-7-31 10:26 PM:) g  G5 `; {0 e3 Z! H! t0 P
Again, I am not the one who write these, its from an American forum!
, ~4 [3 L7 t9 b# X8 J
1 a6 @. h; G5 H5 p! I% h" jI see what happen now. We had no clue where this topic comes from. If it's not your comment, please say so
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » DAMN!Those fuxking Chinese Sure do eat funny!!like filter-037 animals man!!

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