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新聞.. c# [; y, t* Q; S
女仔個Xg .   http://www.xanga.com/LOVE_LING913$ }9 b5 ~: H5 p4 s( c8 L- ?
男仔個Xg .   http://www.xanga.com/kit_b0123
佢男朋友好慘lo" O: ?& X3 G& ]
冇得去睇佢最後一面" ~0 u: Y# s. n5 e; {* r& W
How come these things happens often? It's sad to hear this... RIP Miss Chan...% U" Q9 X- ~+ T  Q  a9 Y/ P2 A' o
Only食 糖 水 n ended like this, it is unbelievable if you sy this is not the hospital's problem!!!
3 h& r4 J, l* P! N屯 門 醫 院 is not a good hospital/it's bad is already really well known when I was in HK around 10yrs ago, I knew that coz I used to live in Tuen Mun, it's unacceptable that it's still sh!t like that... Most wierd thing is that the nurse said that ' 稱 晃 玲 不 聽 話 , 拔 走 喉 管', it's the most redicular thing, how would a patient take away the tube herself? It's not tv drama ar, she's only 14, I don't think she dare to lor!!!) c& U5 A) [4 o2 ~; O* q
After I read this news, I found that Tuen Mun hospital is still unreliable, no matter what happens, just don't go in there!!! And, the police should really work hard to checkout what happens lor, kick the Fking-nurse n Fking-doctor's mathor fking a$s!!!!
Rest in peace
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 珍惜身邊人

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