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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 你地有冇自己的Blog?
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How many of you have your own blog? Text blog or photo blog? Any regular bloggers here?

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-7 01:05 AM:
0 ^/ d+ _; ^5 X+ }8 WHow many of you have your own blog? Text blog or photo blog? Any regular bloggers here?
5 }. L: z# D, E# c  L/ Fhey gretz, i only have a couple of photo albums, those are all on cars, car audio and my girlfriend. i dont do any text blog at all as im not such a good writer. any good site you can recommend?
v, photoblogs are more common these days.....blogger.com is a good place to start.
; t: Z. r' u0 S- v. s' t9 h- c+ ~+ v
By the way folks, I ain't asking for your personal blog address (privacy issue)....just to see if any of us are into it.

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-7 01:37 AM:  q$ i: h( Z6 T" H/ q5 h. F! @
v, photoblogs are more common these...
5 _1 s: l6 t" `) Wdo you keep a textblog? what kind of things do you write on? like travelling, cooking, love, or virtually anything that crosses your mind?
anything.....that's the essence of blog....but blog is not a journal...it's a collection of thoughts.

i just registered at blogger, let's see what i can do there...........haha
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-6-7 01:43 AM:* X- J4 |* y; Z4 y
anything.....that's the essence of blog....but blog is not a journal...it's a collection of thoughts.
2 I+ E4 G; p, E& N  I% G2 E7 V4 gis data encrypted? or anyone can read it?% A. c  o. P8 {: |* y! Q
security is more of my concern
anyone can read it (that's the essence of a blog) so many don't use their real name (or they don't disclose real secrets in their entries)....% Z2 o; {$ [: M3 g

/ j$ y+ p+ ^9 [3 {+ eI actually have two blogs...one I use to share things with friends (personal but not bone deep intimate) another with real deep reflections (I use another name)
; _( @; _  f, o& t1 m: l
  O9 s7 A+ e$ xgonna run for a bit...will be back in 45 min...

i like this one
2 v  H$ U/ _5 E# h5 p3 j+ v: T3 }http://photos1.blogger.com/img/296/2612/1024/bottle.jpg
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 你地有冇自己的Blog?

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