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Originally posted by 本篤十六世 at 2005-5-15 12:41 AM:4 f4 \. }4 C+ v

4 W: {, X- t" X- O( O# L9 ?they said you let them 小you下面,0 B% q% H5 @/ W
is that true?i also want to join in,i can6 i, T: s5 ~2 q8 G
promise you i am larger and more* }. t7 ]& j. {4 `
powerful than 月月鳥 andneptune1122.
; N; ?  e: ?* M, C4 P6 I
: q9 T: \% T( j0 I3 K# s8 Y
$ H7 D( t/ h4 O: Y: d0 z* Y十個肥佬十個短# S4 D2 j8 G# j2 _9 ]
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-5-15 02:15 AM:
2 `, H) K4 @0 R, H$ J4 b
/ H) I" ^: u6 {( D0 {+ W$ V/ O# f
http://www.26fun.com/bbs/customavatars/56549.jpg9 [4 K& k% U2 z" Q! d6 ]
十個肥佬十個短0 ^7 g0 Z! N% J; j, J
3 v, r5 r2 L- U3 K0 _% m咁減左肥咪變長
室内设计,装修兼贸易。+ q. F# S: O& w3 a  e
I promised 渣Fit人 I will post something after he found out where I work.; b( C$ |1 Y: X

, F; G! h8 a1 o% S. v# C3 {I work in Microsoft as a Software Engineer.) A/ ?/ ~0 \; g4 `$ x
The headquater in US is really nice.  Almost everybody has their own office.  You work on the computer everyday.  Sometime the hour is very long, but when it's not busy, it's pretty flexible.  Basiclly, if you get your job done, your boss will not care what time you come to work and leave.  There are a lot of smart people all around you, sometime you wonder why the product is not better
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-5-17 08:33 AM:
2 V% j/ f' z/ w0 B; P+ ?I promised 渣Fit人 I will post some...
+ L! b! E6 q0 f  ^6 x. \1 j4 p
+ q4 R) Z8 P, B+ s3 ~( ?其實真係最好就係工作時間彈性,不過真係要自己有d自覺性同埋俾到信心老闆law...
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-5-17 08:33 AM:9 h  g5 W0 E4 ?- @% M7 X
I promised 渣Fit人 I will post some...
6 Y; N% W( g! c% E4 p

/ e, n: s/ @& M* a4 GHi John...do you live in Redmond or in Tacoma?
! a" |) X3 ]: T1 U! z  Y
! A4 p) W- R5 G0 [+ ~What # is the building you're in? I've been to one of those building where my cell signal blocked off automatically when I step into the door.

我想知道現時ge 就業情況# Q0 E9 n7 ?5 v* ^) w! K
1. computer science and engieering5 @/ P0 H7 H: m; J
2. 多媒體 design) C) J8 ]4 S% C" ?, ~
- v' k6 N5 H6 B3 a5 u
IU   vs  UI
I won't GIVE it UP!  as a WOMAN, I must work hard for our Happiness~~~ ^^

Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-5-20 12:52 AM:, w( b' \( T3 d! l' k) V1 ~

) l# r; m2 \0 ~2 p# _$ M/ G( B7 O* m0 s9 t2 z
Hi John...do you live in Redmond or in Tacoma?* B! h0 {7 V' A+ S! {

" e/ g( |6 g" a; ~- Y' }5 ~What # is the building you're in? I've been to one of those building where my cell signal blocked off automatically when I step into the door.
, C7 z+ a9 E( g; k" A$ F! \$ [

* P3 x) `% L0 k. Y4 l1 |/ n$ f; C5 Q* eRedmond
. y& ]# G" e4 y# }: m2 y0 YWe move quite a lot, but it's possible that some building don't get very good reception.  Too much intereference form whatever they are doing
Originally posted by trista_cheong at 2005-5-20 04:29 AM:2 v. |' u0 X. T0 x' b
我想知道現時ge 就業情況2 ?" C4 l4 p5 s% Q9 X4 C
1. computer science and engieering
5 O- w- @( O6 M4 z: {- d2. 多媒體 design
+ z' U' R% }2 Q6 L4 p- @& k  Q0 d4 E/ ^2 {0 ]5 _6 b
5 u+ T7 H+ T/ o( k* |1 X: \( `

8 u3 N2 H. ]5 d1 H4 GWhere do you want to 就業 ?
/ A- {5 i$ z) F6 b9 BIt's kind of regional.  Come to  【版友傾訴熱線】 and we could talk more lar!
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-5-21 06:47 AM:
) S) D* Z9 y9 l2 n2 {% e- N7 m
) |0 y: e: k, {( I9 k
. n& A. e7 h9 y* a& p6 F& x+ f( K. vWhere do you want to 就業 ?# F, L; Q& e; x3 |0 u) X
It's kind of regional.  Come to  【版友傾訴熱線】 and we could talk more lar!
$ H1 R) |& S8 J# O, [* _" F3 v4 V5 B# T) h9 f
) ]+ `' c# H" Q# T
我想知呢兩個行業o係 ; b' v3 a. P3 \' @/ X5 ]7 M
1. 英國 2. 台灣 ge 就業情況!:cool:( i* e7 v8 v" P! R* p

* d8 ]( F5 S8 P0 b好呀﹐我成日都o係o個度ga ﹐撞到你就同你傾啦
IU   vs  UI
I won't GIVE it UP!  as a WOMAN, I must work hard for our Happiness~~~ ^^

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 【26FUN工作坊】交流工作上遇到的點點滴滴

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