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[趣味] 好後悔呀[樂+]

係地鐵站到見到100蚊" X; G( H# V& c" n2 r. _: Y3 T- G9 k
但係唔夠快執唔到9 h% x$ F# A- v8 k* c
比個師奶執左! q0 E7 x: W9 k& H
1 d, h3 H1 M. v行去換地鐵車票果陣見到
" b2 b  `. D2 ~. i定左一定睇下咩黎
! T% I7 l" @0 }% q& x5 ?+ e就比個師奶執左><
0 |3 ~3 |# P" l
! i' b' B. k" ]; B, E$ Z! i[ Last edited by 樂壇渣Fit人 on 2005-4-25 at 11:25 PM ]
% [4 k1 `  t, _/ F7 _唔係你就唔係你: B9 l* P# ~' K( {8 B+ h, `. u
( _! F5 r1 g1 H- T5 x執一百跌一千
Originally posted by 大家樂1234 at 2005-4-25 00:19:4 A. i6 l7 |" @. e" K
- K- K2 N+ d- n! N唔係你就唔係你
6 J+ ~7 [( U' ?" h+ M7 y/ ^鬼唔望張一百蚊係假,等佢比人拉去差館6 \) t, M! O% g( c! H
( P8 a" \5 |2 y. A) x+ a) @' k6 }
: d  I0 ?2 F6 v, I6 r- [http://www.26fun.com/bbs/attachm ... bd7d&download=1


ptu_369.jpg (18.7 KB)
596 x 322 PIXEL下載


it happened to me 2 times

2 years ago,one time in bus stop,the 100 in front of me,when the bus came,the bus create the wind and blow the 100,then it was taken by a man.The second time,i saw 100 RMB under the table in a restaurant,taken by a woman.Everytime i just have no guts
Looks like you are in need for some quick cash!
1 [, l  I# c# T, G4 \/ O4 [1 |  L! |9 q" p
Remember, they could be traps by pickpockets. You may think you can outsmart them, but these guys are pros and you can never beat them.
. q  V+ b8 E& K5 [8 Y6 j- R
+ g% ^2 W$ Y( Z1 q# M. V% R4 }There's no free lunch in this world...and sometimes these things are too good to be true.' P; b) C, V3 L  N
* u0 X+ N. t; K& _
Originally posted by Gretzky at 2005-4-25 08:58 AM:
6 _5 b+ u* {- jLooks like you are  ...
/ V. q* c/ ~# f2 J. D) H5 o* T
i agree with you
ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
Mobile suit Embedded Tactical EnfORcer
我以前都試過執過100蚊$ L! y! h5 [4 b9 e
係沙田新城市廣場商務印書館對出間鋪地下, I  S, M! b- N' T9 Q4 B& C
好彩果時好少人, V- a$ t, @1 \" T3 h' H/ h/ N3 @
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [趣味] 好後悔呀[樂+]

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