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香港:張學友  (由細到大既偶像)
       張國榮  (死左先識珍惜....)
       陳奕迅  (香港好少唱歌有感情)

美國:Linkin Park (總之正啦)
       Maroon 5  (今年至愛)
       Usher       (佢既 R&B 真係正)


Good Charlotte   (因為佢首I just wanna live)
Norah Jones      (Jazz野....想聽下)
Michael Jackson

rock, r&b ,pop punk ,rap

[ Last edited by yuripenny on 2005-6-14 at 06:28 PM ]
我是男~我like 霆鋒 ~雖然沉左..l但一出碟/有戲上映 都會即睇/買 ...but唔係fans club/常去睇佢出席d場合~基本上見過佢一次真人..相隔仲要有一個足球場咁遠distance.....
like佢because 靚仔,型,有性格,but拍d戲太過單調...
我既偶像係容祖兒 謝安琪 同埋 范瑋琪



香港:杜德偉 慢快都ok... 不過係以前

英美: MJ 唔好講佢私人點. 慢歌好多都好有意思. 快歌跳舞真係無敵

最有興趣 : 咩歌都得. 聽得開心就得. 特別喜歡bass solo既位 好喜歡d聲
國外:Ryan Cabrera(佢首true同on the way down好好聽的)
家駒is my favourite !he is  a world-class singer in Hong Kong!!
his voice is ...intimate!!very nice~he just like my old friend
my favourites song these day is 喜歡你,舊日的足跡.
his performance is excellent!!

關淑怡 is my favourite female singer in HK.She is so sophisticated!!
She can sing all kind of song I guess...
Actually I really love her old image from 80's..
her second album[難得有情人] is her best work indeed...all song is outstanding...so versatile!!
I never heard a chinese albums that make me so tourching

I really want Blue jeans next album...I hope they playback their 80's feeling.Don't  make  a albums that "fit" for today....

I like Pop music and electronic funk music.
I hope Hong Kong music will be better......
我最喜愛的歌手有台灣的   1黃鶯鶯  佢把聲很自然就可以唱出要表達的感受和意竟
2 巫啟賢 聲音響亮,有高中低    3鄧麗君 從小就家裡己經常常聽著,已經入了腦但衣然喜愛  最有興趣的歌手   1 朱哲琴佢的cd已集齊  2 Enya 如幻如真的歌聲  3michael jackson 舞蹈加歌曲百聽不厭  而喜歡音樂類型有new age   pop   piano solo
還有老牌rock歌手Gary moore亦非常喜愛  其實喜歡的太多了不能盡錄 總而言之  我愛音樂
My favourite bands are:

1. Japan: X-Japan- I started to listen their music since 2004; they are the mix of punk, rock and heavy mental, visual effect and ballad music.... They are probably the best band in Japan around the early 80s and 90s, they have given a strong infuence to all the young people in Japan. Besides i am also attracted by their music and style.. My favourite songs are Weekend, Endless Rain, Tears, X.

2. USA: Metallica- They are probably one of the best bands in USA. They are heavy metal and extreme rock. Their outlook are not as good as what i expected, however their music are really good and cool. Highly recommended- Sanitarium, Enter Sandman, Master of Puppets and orion.

3. USA: Red Hot Chili Peppers- although now they are not as famous as before, however their songs are still the best within the American.... Best songs- Californiacation, By the Way, Dosed, Can't Stop, Sar Tissue and Under the Bridge(one of the best hundred rock songs in the world).

I am looking forward to listen:
1. Jet
2. Queen's of the stone age
3. Glay

I like heavy metal/rock/metal and extreme rock

[ Last edited by ialtrebla on 2005-6-17 at 05:39 PM ]
X-Japan.... EF's fans club Chairman...HAHAHA
My favourite:

Ronan Keating --- I've been supporting him for 4-5 years since he broke up with Boyzone, actually I started paying attention to him because of the movie " Notting Hill ", which encloses the great song "When You Say Nothing At All", besides, he is a really kind guy, he's been supporting different charities and he has his own brest cancer fundation, because his mother died few years ago and she had brest cancer, anyway he is really a great guy not just a great singer.

Boyzone --- Well it's related to Ronan Keating, 'cuz I knew Ronan, then I started to support Boyzone too even they were borke down already by then. People were saying they were the greatest boy band ever, but obviously there are still many great boy bands in UK.

And I wanna try:

ColdPlay --- I've been told ColdPlay play better then GoldPlay, that's why I wanna try, and their music has been used by a lot of TV channals in Australia as their theme music, really awesome!!!

ALICIA KEYS  --- She sings a horribly great R n' B and soul, touching mate! and don't forget she is black! I mean she is hot even she's black!
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