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男山-純米大吟釀 is the top 1 from 北海道
吟釀 = cut the surface of rice up to 50% & 大吟釀 = cut the surface of rice up to 60%

champagne in photo 1 call "Dom Perignon" around 1k-1.1k per in HK
96 is hard to find now, many vintage champagne already changed to 98 lu
Originally posted by belibala at 2006-12-19 01:33:

hey man Krug 95 is already bery good la
BTW, u like champagne?
其實Champagne我真係嘛嘛, 不過既然飲得唔多就揀d好少少
Krung95飲過一次, 太生, 唔o岩飲; 價錢相差唔遠我都係偏向96多d.
不過有次on居居將幾支VCP NV擺埋左幾年, 開出o黎D蜜糖同埋D Nuts味都好香好濃, 算係幾意外
Originally posted by DH at 2006-12-19 03:03:
男山-純米大吟釀 is the top 1 from ...
因為Dom Perignon 96被Robert Parker評o左99分, 梗係無貨啦, 我買果陣9百幾咋
Originally posted by AWU at 2006-12-19 09:49 PM:

其實Champagne我真係嘛嘛, 不過既然...
actually I like VCP more than Moet cos I don't like too "dry"
btw, u can try VCP Rich Reserve, I think it is the best at that price range >$600 but sadly not available at most places.
xmas is coming and I'm going to buy a few bottles of champagne for party
Originally posted by AWU at 2006-12-19 09:51 PM:

因為Dom Perignon 96被Robert Parker評o左99分, 梗係無貨啦, 我買果陣9百幾咋
actually it should be 98pts and I think you can still find it in the market but probably at $1400. however, as 1999 is coming very soon and price for 1996 will definitely be up again, so if u like the vintage, try to get a few bottles

luckily I still have 2 bottles of 1996 at my fridge
Originally posted by AWU at 2006-12-19 09:51 PM:

因為Dom Perignon 96被Robert Parker評o左99分, 梗係無貨啦, 我買果陣9百幾咋
u must bought it 2yrs be4

i dont know very much  in champagne, but on wine, i think Robert Parker 評分 only for info, we should find the wine fit for our tast
Originally posted by belibala at 2006-12-20 12:45 AM:

actually I like VCP more than M...
people say moet dry, VCP fruity.... you saying moet... remember few months be4, my mom told me she still got a moet(NV) in fridge & it was 10yrs ago her friend gave her
so i got a selfmake 96 moet(NV)
Originally posted by AWU at 2007-1-17 01:16 AM:

你鍾意Chivas定Black Label? 加冰or加其他野??
Originally posted by belibala at 2007-1-18 16:21:

你鍾意Chivas定Black Label? 加冰or加其他野??
Chivas我喜歡Royal Salute
Black Lable我麻麻, Blue  Lable就好d, 不過其實Johnny Walker幾個lable我都唔係太鍾意

MACALLAN 18年先係我至愛

[ Last edited by AWU on 2007-1-19 at 01:49 AM ]
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