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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » HON, Superise =D
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209# ktwu2007

Good Morning Ktwu2007, Merry Christmas! =D  MFP2 stand for Macross Frontier the movie part 2, on Feb =)
209# ktwu2007  

Good Morning Ktwu2007, Merry Christmas! =D  MFP2 stand for Macross Frontier the movie part 2, on Feb =)
RUBY_B 發表於 2010-12-25 10:42 AM
So Funny
If you want your HON wake up, you just only steal his pillow, he will wake up as soon as possible....
but he will lost the temper
老公快快起身, 爛昏豬! =D  Haha, I woke you up after wrote this, smart! =D  我系你老婆, 靜系要你錫, 我好聽你話, 我現家中文好西利! yeah!!!=D
RUBY_B 發表於 2010-12-25 10:36
好多錯字呀, 呀"犀利"!
I love you, too~
4...........    Cunning boy, presents can't pass on my focus, still waiting for your signal ! XD
212# ktwu2007

Interesting idea, Ktwu2007, but HON won't loss his temper when trick by me, and I don't have the heart to do this =D

Oooooops, no wonder I feel a little bit strange =P  but at least you can understand the meaning huh?  admire your smart wife! =D
212# ktwu2007  

Interesting idea, Ktwu2007, but HON won't loss his temper when trick by me, and I don't have the heart to do this =D
RUBY_B 發表於 2010-12-26 06:56 PM
This idea is come from my dad, he always do that when i was young.
4...........    Cunning boy, presents can't pass on my focus, still waiting for your signal ! XD
RUBY_B 發表於 2010-12-26 06:52 PM
What is the Christmas present form HON for you
Can you satisfied my curiosity
3...............  Almost! =D Hon, I'm okey, don't worry too much =xxxx
217# ktwu2007

haha, so it makes you can sleep without any pillow now? =D
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » HON, Superise =D

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