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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008
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hello everybody
Originally posted by queenly at 2006-8-1 04:54 PM:

hello, maggie
hello, Yei Fei
Wellcome back! Everyone, you are the kings of the world!
Originally posted by Triangel at 2006-8-1 09:31:

咁大個 MCC ,得你同我... 點算呀
TriTri, now you should know abt my difficulties when setting up [頑童俱樂部]......
anyway, I do very proud of you & gary (also the members join in here~ ), 12 pages within 24 hours is a very good accomplishment~
keep going pal~
Originally posted by d228216 at 2006-8-1 21:43:
Wellcome back! Everyone, you are the kings of the world!
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2006-8-1 21:44:

TriTri, now you sh...
12 pages within 24 hours = 12x30/24=15

1/4post per a min
Originally posted by 155220 at 2006-8-1 09:46 PM:

12 pages within 24 hours = 12x30/24=15

1/4post per a min
good in Math~
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2006-8-1 09:44 PM:

TriTri, now you sh...
Originally posted by BOYDWAN at 2006-8-1 09:44 PM:

TriTri, now you sh...
This is only because of the "power of your Door Prize..." not me
7    6      5    4     3    2    1
Originally posted by garycheung at 2006-8-1 21:48:

good in Math~
for the subject,i am good at maths and chinese history,but other..........
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008

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