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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持
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Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 03:03 AM:1 I: p. Y$ }4 H0 ~
) ~) d- }: i' w( M7 ]
8 |' T& a( _9 Z( B' T" T/ d  q, s2 b+ v! d  q/ X
my month pay is close tonothing after all the taxes... , R! C. y6 P  j5 ]! ~1 R8 K
I would like to start my own business someday, but don't know where to start( T4 o# g5 k$ X7 j6 s
Selling model kit and toys is my dream...
$ _% E1 j- V) c8 ]Selling camera is not bad either
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by 乞丐教宗 at 2005-6-25 03:06 AM:
  p+ G2 d. u( O
4 L' b% ?4 F& Eyou are not,then fake?( k) _* q5 H+ |" l  J$ ^
then young biscuit?
- l6 X8 @1 j+ \$ m+ P$ f
hey, i thought you are the real pope.
Originally posted by 乞丐教宗 at 2005-6-25 03:06 AM:- m" X7 g8 S! Q$ N
  g) c# w- |' H0 r: {$ d% m; p& r
you are not,then fake?6 ]: i! \2 i( b. E! L  w$ V
then young biscuit?
# `& }8 O1 l& V6 V7 q  _- v/ E2 ~+ L8 }
I'm a fake old biscuit...
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-25 03:07 AM:2 f' w2 m6 |* n9 _. e

* ~' w8 ]% P3 i3 qmy month pay is close tonothing...
# t& N' s* U, }, G: @have you ever thought of starting a consulting business? to be exact, a Business Consulting business.
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 03:07 AM:
, Z4 }5 t% M& h! @' U
" ?; m( f" c4 uhey, i thought you are the real pope.
( ?9 p: i& \0 e7 o  s' i# D
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by johnwu at 2005-6-25 03:07 AM:/ I& E# E" O! H. C. n' x
) u: g5 L1 O6 A, Z% T
  I) v5 H: R& e$ m$ ]0 B3 D
I'm a fake old biscuit...
* z8 @" T$ k, J9 O' Z: s" Creal young biscuit
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 03:07 AM:" U/ F/ i, Y' X) n* h; a: n: m

: \" c0 |7 B' t; T. k1 uhey, i thought you are the real pope.
3 g3 V: \- X/ x; Z$ s+ S
real jack
The most important thing in starting business is the capital, once you have it, you can apply all your knowledge into building your dream. Then operating wise, you will need to control cash flow by several means such as setting up accrual accout with your supplier, take note of your receivables and payable............anyway, i guess you know a lot more about me........so......yeah, take your time and plan ahead.2 B+ D( O; D' {' d

. @: o/ C6 W6 F! c0 p8 i. H% T[ Last edited by vivienna on 2005-6-25 at 03:55 AM ]
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 03:08 AM:
0 T+ I$ Y0 Z# E5 H( Y8 x% |- \7 n4 g7 Q* I, a
have you ever thought of starting a consulting business? to be exact, a Business Consulting business.
7 U: L) N8 q5 x; X; d9 ^- n
me? no....& L/ \7 L+ W! N9 f
8 K' t- p+ b2 {$ G
who would pay for my advise?  
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
Originally posted by vivienna at 2005-6-25 03:12 AM:+ P6 j: R! Q3 C7 e
The most important thing in startin...
1 Z7 W9 X+ [5 s) Pnot to be greedy,then no one can cheat you in business
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » [鎖貼]版友傾訴熱線第二輯經已播放完畢,多謝大家支持

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