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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005
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Originally posted by herothree at 2005-3-22 01:39 AM:
was gone long ...
bro. Herothree, u know what, u guys are really very nice, extremely nice for spending time to think and write, a thousand thanks for it!

yeah, in conclusion we'll try to play tougher defence to create turnovers and grab boards and then run and gun

the tactics u mentioned arre very useful, well actually i'm quite confident with my 3 pt, the problem is how to create our shooters (including myself) space to shoot, u know, it's rediculous to crossover and take a mid range with 2 ppl and 4 hands in front of u..(that's what some of my teamates do....sigh...)
we'll try to get more double team the pass the ball outside now

by the way, can u teach me how to do an effective high post?

haha, i definitely want more from u guys la, i wanna learn as much as i could~
i may throw some questions in later when the league/ practice started~
thx a lot again~
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 02:20 AM:

o man..........
u're king of toys man.....
i wanna have as much Saints as u do........
i'm 100000% support u to be the adminisrator of toy board if there's one...
i am a die hard fans of 1.Saint Seiya 2. Cyber Formula 3. The Transformer 4. Dragon Ball...hehhee
Originally posted by Asurada129 at 2005-3-22 12:48:

i am a die hard fans of 1.Saint Seiya 2. Cyber Formula 3. The Transformer 4. Dragon Ball...hehhee
what's about Lego? I love Lego a lot
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
hey bro. Asurada129
my preferences are similar to u,  but i'm not a fans of cyber formula, i've just watched the very first series

hey bro. Brightlee, did u check out those Lego great pics in 100%無聊區?
really? I will check it out
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 15:06:
hey bro. Asurada129 ...
some lego pic is my 珍藏

[ Last edited by 月月鳥 on 2005-3-22 at 04:37 PM ]

untitled - lego.41.jpg

untitled - lego.41.jpg (189.3 KB)
800 x 600 PIXEL下載

untitled - lego.46.jpg

untitled - lego.46.jpg (97.7 KB)
800 x 600 PIXEL下載

untitled - lego.51.jpg

untitled - lego.51.jpg (101.1 KB)
800 x 600 PIXEL下載

great one.. I may let u to see my LEGO city...ok./..?!


28.jpg (44.1 KB)
430 x 317 PIXEL下載


84.JPG (84.2 KB)
1179 x 643 PIXEL下載

We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
oh they're nice
i played lego too when i was 6-10
i had quite a lot too
but i thought my mom had thrown them away for a long time
oh poor u, u should leave something to me....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
r u guys all very rich?
how come u got so many toys.................

i just got couple of Saint Myths and some lord of the rings figures..............
and i gotta eat much less for them........

and well bro. kyleung... my mum threw 90% of my toys away......................
many transformers and 幻變奇兵(anyone remember this?)...

anyway, we should hv enough ppl for a new toy board

[ Last edited by crap on 2005-3-22 at 07:40 PM ]
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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