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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » HON, Superise =D
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That's why I said he is also lucky to meet you
自由神 發表於 2009-12-24 04:16 PM
Everybody had got their pass, I'd my history, too =) We only need to face our future =)
Everybody had got their pass, I'd my history, too =) We only need to face our future =)
RUBY_B 發表於 2009-12-24 04:21 PM
That's right~
That's why I told myself I need to learn abt it~I've looked back too much in the past~
WHAT THE.................!!!???
sorry guys, caused too much trouble..........pls let me handle this naughty kid~
WHAT THE.................!!!???
sorry guys, caused too much trouble..........pls let me handle this naughty kid~
BOYDWAN 發表於 2009-12-24 04:26 PM
haha~You're back Brother
[quote] haha ~ You're back Brother
Freedom of God on 2009-12-24 16:27[/ quote]

Nth special~Chatting only
No need to   la
Nth special~Chatting only
No need to   la
自由神 發表於 2009-12-24 04:38 PM
Hello, mnbve =) I can understand both English & Chinese, but it's quite difficult for me to write Chinese fast so I type in English, sorry =)
RUBY_B 發表於 2009-12-24 03:30 PM
[真‧頑童俱樂部] 延續篇2009 -- ∞英文版
本帖最後由 BOYDWAN 於 2009-12-25 09:36 AM 編輯

I must admit that you really superise me, or maybe I should say that's really shock when I saw you chat with my buddies in here
whatever, I don't think you did anything wrong but only sweet, my lovely bride
不過, 您要寫返多d 中文字, 文法唔好寫錯字都唔緊要, 慢慢嚟啦, 佢地唔會笑您嘅, 係都係笑我啫~
您睇到呢段post 嘅時侯, 我應該仲瞓緊, 記住叫完我起身先去好化粧, 粧唔駛太濃呀! just dress in smart casual is fine
記實記實千祈唔好寫任何肉麻嘢! 班衰仔實用嚟玩我咖!!!
我諗, 我應該對您呢個小會員講返一句:

P.S. 您嘅頭像我已經改咗 (您嘅password 我點會估唔到? ), 唔好用自己相喇, 用您話好靚嗰張エウレカセブン 啦

再P.S. 乜您唔知有中文歌詞版咩?


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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » HON, Superise =D

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