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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005
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fortunately,my mum keep 40% to me
when i was young i have 4 big boxes of LEGO
nowaday i only have a few............
crap, I am not rich, but when I love one thing, I will love this thing for really really long time
same as buses, lego, soccer, basketball.. also my religion, and my GOD

em.. everyone has different charactertists.... that's why I love to collect Lego, and still collect it... i.e. I don't play any PS/Nintendo/gamboys/Sega games.....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by brightlee at 2005-3-22 09:31 PM:
crap, I am not rich ...
your girl friend would be very happy to see this

anyway... how to not play TV games? i wanna stop playing as well.....................
i just sleep with my joy pad man......

月月鳥, so what toys do u play now?
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 07:38 PM:
r u guys all very r ...
幻變奇兵....i'm remember...i ve many also..but have gave to my 表弟..its my mum's idea.....so that i ve lost all....i still remember i ve got the高山堡(油站)...and most of them i have bought....
lego ...i also like it....but when i was kid...i play the lego which is animal face.....and i remember i like the monkeys most..
crap, I am not rich, but when I love one thing, I will love this thing for really really long time
same as buses, lego, soccer, basketball.. also my religion, and my GOD

em.. everyone has different charactertists.... that's why I love to collect Lego, and still collect it... i.e. I don't play any PS/Nintendo/gamboys/Sega games.....
em......yes , i think so .i sometimes also play PS2,
but Nintendo,gamboys,online games
nowaday i don't have any feel to them
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-22 22:10:

your gir ...
nowaday i don not have any toys,esc.LEGO
but i sometimes play PS2 games ,such as Winning Eleven 8,NBA LIVE 2005,etc
Originally posted by crap at 2005-3-23 00:10:

your gir ...
it depends,
if that girl is not the miss right for me
it could be really hurt for her at the end of the story, at least, I got 2 examples when I am in Sydney, I loved them in 1 direction of love,

em.. as I say, I am not really rich, so I don't have money to buy and type of PS games,
I can play PC games due to I need to use PC, so you may say, I have an excuse to buy games........
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
Originally posted by 月月鳥 at 2005-3-22 10:15 PM:

nowaday i don not have any toys,esc.LEGO
but i sometimes play PS2 games ,such as Winning Eleven 8,NBA LIVE 2005,etc
...ha...i play nba live and fifa in computer...i can play it very well...but donno y when i play ps2 winning eleven..i am very bad in it...
what's a 高山堡??
is that the same thing we r talking about?
wahahaha, i dunno whether i mixed the name up with other anime......
its like some cars/ aeroplanes/ bike, that looks like normal ones, but can transform and got some missles/ machines guns stuff like that. onto them...

i didn't play Lego much though...
my father was the one who play.............................
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Sports板板友互助互愛籃球教室2005

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