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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 麥當勞咖啡乃環保之物!!!
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..* ?" `$ {6 ]: t4 c* J/ _
3 M7 @# b) \( r; [2 R9 B4 X
, t$ ^; x% z+ A) o- O) _
加拿大里賈納市一名女子,去年在麥當勞買了一杯咖啡,喝了一半後聲稱發現杯內有人糞,其後更出現腹瀉和嘔吐等不適症狀,控告麥當勞及負責供應咖啡奶精的Saputo Foods公司,要求賠償。
% ]' }. J5 n6 r: k+ J+ d1 r: S" w9 i9 g. [( r1 M- j& A. B0 y
原訴人曼德茲雅克(Cheryl Mandziak)去年入稟,案件近日審理。在曼德茲雅克提交的起訴書中指出,她去年8月11日早上在里賈納市東面一家麥當勞快餐店買了一杯大咖啡,並將兩瓶奶精加入其中,當喝了一半時,發現咖啡內有一些圓形的黑色物體浮起,其後她便出現噁心、嘔吐、腹瀉和劇烈肚痛等癥狀,需看醫生及請病假數天,最後證實是食物中毒。
* A! L" b$ S) h
8 t) R1 I! `2 @" e$ ~- u曼德茲雅克表示,她將咖啡內的異物拿往化驗所檢驗,證實有數種污染物,其中包括人類糞便。她表示,事件令她精神受創,還令其糖尿病病情惡化,要求麥當勞及Saputo Foods公司賠償她因不能上班的薪金損失、醫藥費及其他傷害。
% K. N( B! n! o9 C% ~. z8 N2 c" y* l0 B0 A# X
麥當勞及Saputo Foods公司否認曼德茲雅克的指控,麥當勞周二發表新聞稿,稱曼氏的指控全無根據,他們將在法庭上據理力爭。
9 }  k# N/ w. x6 n4 R
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0 O& {5 V3 a) Y6 |8 b8 H- R
2 L. D6 Z8 R0 M0 E& W# s) G
1 P) ~/ }% x! B" Chttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHjNkW_jGx0
5 k# `7 ~! `0 h# e7 x  \4 D2 z9 \7 W( A, }% l. U1 _- \# p
0 U- K/ n5 v6 q6 V6 ^, a( o% x# T3 l: P/ p* b: q
% d- O5 b1 d" t: a+ J& H

1 J6 {+ `# u% q' o* v整個落屎過程都一絲不; u  ]- J+ L. F+ @( O  J7 @

$ z  B0 B! R3 ]  i% w6 P真ga...你自己過黎試下
& C0 x/ f8 j' A, {" V0 \
2 E2 g! x2 |0 g" D! t4 L4 A9 P, D0 [
" Z: L' {9 ]" `8 L3 d

+ @, d+ }, D  V7 W& k9 S[ 本帖最後由 cheery 於 2009-6-12 12:27 AM 編輯 ]
" p  w. D- x& O2 V; K, V6 v! b: [, A' j, \
女人 : 你地d咖啡有屎wo
. d9 S# O" X& u# Q
4 M$ v) L9 r# W5 n8 a7 Z遞卷廁紙俾佢 : o文左佢
- H. a! L& ?' X8 T3 X1 M* O$ q6 k' b8 Y9 z
Mc當當 : 話明老Mc出品必屬佳品,一兩舊屎有咩禁出奇, 廿三蚊!!!/ H1 r7 ^  C$ i/ b/ X( v9 q! O5 N

2 u0 y+ F7 y: Q: s8 J女人 : 你俾呀?   S) e3 {0 ?: W* r9 Z

( P" T4 k4 a; l; J4 P$ |3 mMc當當:o去!
8 O* b6 i9 ]3 S! b" }- C  B7 @0 e) C& ?/ y
3 ^/ n: l; r& ~* I, E) @女人 : o去!不如你俾我三十蚊去睇醫生!
- T( H6 H! j: v) A& h+ {( e1 ?5 ~2 h; r; r/ M5 s+ K
Mc當當 : o去!
  ( ´Д` )  /"lヽ
   /´   ( ,人)
(  ) ゚  ゚|  |    
    \ \__, |  ⊂llll
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      |   |        \    \無事看海
Where did you get the news from?2 A* V& g4 k- X

$ X1 q" }7 X+ O6 `4 H) MI live in Canada but I have never heard this from the news.... 5 U: ~4 _+ L7 M, r) ?1 O; ^

* Y5 G; `8 ?( b( e+ g, U( K7 ODid I just miss it somehow or this is actually faked?
Regina woman claims 'feces' were in cup of McDonald's coffee
" Q  E: m0 l; [2 L
Last Updated: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 | 3:20 PM CT 7 |5 M# M/ ^4 O
CBC News 9 |; w6 D2 V! g
; ?4 l8 U% O& h
0 |8 x) ^4 S! H9 _' d  w
A Regina woman claims she became violently ill last fall after drinking a cup of McDonald's coffee that she claims was contaminated by "human feces."- n& y( F# U5 W! r
5 n: O" `& V  j9 k$ X; O( U7 `1 @8 A( H
She's suing both the restaurant chain and Saputo Foods Ltd., the company that supplies its coffee creamers, according to a statement of claim filed with the Court of Queen's Bench in Regina.
0 P/ V- S- Q2 C/ u2 V; n1 ^
+ b  N2 _- n* x- Y  S2 j. C: HCheryl Mandziak said she made a disturbing discovery in August, 2008, after picking up her morning coffee at the McDonald's outlet at 924 Victoria Ave. East in the east end of the city.5 [9 X$ J% P% |) P% t" l. V1 Y
4 z8 E9 z1 v5 _2 V! I6 M+ j
After adding cream and drinking more than half the coffee, she found something "round" floating in it, she said in the statement of claim. She said she subsequently came down with diarrhea and severe abdominal pain that required medical attention.
3 J8 f' ?5 g% Z* d+ x6 r& I4 `1 a# R
Mandziak said she had the remains of the coffee tested by a lab, which indicated several contaminants, including "human feces." She's seeking money for loss of income, health expenses and other damages, although no sum was mentioned.
3 O0 E( w. ]1 F' X# P- N
$ F* P+ c3 S( {: A# A' i8 GNone of her claims have been proven in court.
& a  }7 p; ], O7 k$ o4 I

8 N5 Y$ i+ W! ]3 J4 D/ FBoth McDonald's Restaurants of Canada Ltd. and Saputo Foods have denied the claims.
: J% q; f; y, L+ ]' v! g* q5 S# h' b. x
"We believe the allegations are totally without merit and we completely dismiss this claim," McDonald's said Tuesday in a news release. "McDonald's will vigorously defend its position in court."; r! V' D, x8 W# B# @. K) e

- ^& L, |8 f" W- m! z. P' w8 o: G4 P: B; x: B* ?; t2 G5 G
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/saskatc ... 9/feces-coffee.html! g# F+ W6 `9 y2 b9 S) f' S  [( @

; A+ @) p$ G* S- ~5 xhttp://www.vancouversun.com/Health/McDonald+refutes+Regina+woman+claim+human+feces+coffee+creamer/1675435/story.html
6 ~3 Q/ \, Z) |7 I& [3 F. |( W  U  G8 @, Y' o6 I$ k
http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/te ... 335&art_id=12863953% K; b* w  ?& u$ k6 I
9 R6 O7 o0 M  _( }* f
[ 本帖最後由 infjlam 於 2009-6-12 04:31 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 infjlam 於 2009-6-12 04:25 AM 發表 http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
, c: d/ w: t( L+ E" t2 f2 tRegina woman claims 'feces' were in cup of McDonald's coffee
" w. O+ g1 J' h$ b6 w# t$ iLast Updated: Tuesday, June 9, 2009 | 3:20 PM CT
2 V0 ~& N4 o  a- D! }4 BCBC News 9 v3 }/ l8 o- P

$ K  E( r7 f" A" H9 W" A9 ^7 K
  K8 l+ r* m" O( e$ tA Regina woman claims she became violently ill last fall after drinking a cup ...
" a7 S# }7 q. }% |$ M; F
  Z# g( I* R, S  n* }
hey, thanks for the info ) e+ o6 Z( ^+ H
4 x( O; A1 E' z9 C% C) n
4 T( s7 P& I) V8 K$ Y
by the way, I think what that woman said is so fake.....I believe she just put the "sh*t" inside the coffee by herself when she gets home.....
( U" ^5 p" V" t% d4 X- H; [0 @
0 ~" y- p' C" A5 g- d% t' F3 _/ Qjust think about it, (I don't know about HK but in Canada), those staff will pour the coffee in front of you from the coffee machine.....how could that piece of "sh*t" get into the paper cup without anyone noticing it.....
& x! Z; W: Q) Z  I. I- w/ s# d- s' l7 k
Furthermore, how can that "object" come out from the coffee machine?  (that liquid hole of the coffee machine is too small)2 o1 U6 _& Y( b9 n* O
5 b7 C- u! |7 j& S! i. P  d
If something like that really comes from the coffee machine, then everyone who bought the coffee that morning would be affected and no one complained anything except her....
原帖由 slwong3 於 2009-6-12 08:01 AM 發表 http://www.26fun.com/bbs/images/common/back.gif
$ S+ t& O8 }8 x8 x/ f
7 e: G6 X0 _/ ~0 Z& n3 O# a2 h3 @7 Y* n3 w1 H* S5 k" h6 J
hey, thanks for the info
* l! e; V% T% f) Y, q& m5 z' m  w5 g& L3 Q
9 S4 a+ ~2 M+ |/ L
by the way, I think what that woman said is so fake.....I believe she just put the "sh*t" inside the coffee by herself when she gets home.....- U7 m/ P8 C' `

: T  `/ w! v, x6 m* V1 ?  P. @) Bjust think about it ...
7 \  ^; o/ Z- H8 v- b& C# k; [
  q& S. w, n' lyes...i agree of you...but just for fun
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 吹水版 » 麥當勞咖啡乃環保之物!!!

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