娛樂滿紛 26FUN's Archiver

rockinpunk4d 發表於 2007-5-29 02:07 PM



得分 - Score/ Points
籃板 - Rebound
進攻籃板 - Offensive Rebound
防守籃板 - Defensive Rebound
助攻 - Assist
抄截 - Steal
火鍋 - Block
失誤 - Turnover
嘗試投籃 - Field goals attempted
投籃命中 - Field goals made
嘗試罰球 - Free throws attempted
罰球命中 - Free throws made
命中率 - Percentage of accuracy
平均 - Average


運球 - Dribbling
換手運球/跨下運球 - Cross-over
轉身 - Spin turn
傳球 - Pass
較高的傳球 - Overhead pass
地板傳球 - Bounce pass
切入 - Cut through
上籃 - Lay-up
拉竿上籃 - Lay-up with a pump
後勾上籃 - Reverse lay-up
拉竿 - Pump
灌籃/扣籃 - Slam dunk/Jam
投籃 - Shoot
跳投 - Jump shot
三分跳投 - Three point jump shot
後仰跳投 - Fade away shot
勾射 - Hook shot
拋射  - Finger-roll
假動作 - Fake move/fake shot
假傳 - Fake pass
不看的傳球 - No look pass
一條龍殺過全場 - Coast to coast play
籃下單打/低位單打 - Low pose
高位 - High pose
擋切戰術 - Pick and roll
三角戰術 - Triangular-offense
快攻 - Fast break
快打炫風/小球戰術 - Hussle play
PK/單打 - One on one
拐子 - Dirty moves
盯人防守 - Man to man/man on man
區域防守 - Zone defense
全場壓迫 - Full court pressure (簡稱 Full-court press)
半場壓迫 - Half court pressure(簡稱 Half-court press)
三人交叉進攻 (練球時經常練的) - Three men wave
擋人/掩護 - Pick
籃下卡位 - Box-out
跑動/移動 - Motion
跑轟戰術 - Motion Offense
2-3 區域防守 - Two-Three zone defense
大車輪灌籃 - Wind-mill/wheel dunk
打板灌籃 - Off-the-glass dunk
反手灌 - Reverse dunk
背後運球 - Behind the back dribble
墊步 - Ankle Breaker
定版 - Hit the back board
擦板/打板 - Hit the bank


兩次運球 - Double dribble
回場 - Back-court violation
犯規 - Foul
技術犯規 - Technical foul
籃下三秒 - Three seconds violation
八秒未過半場 - Eight seconds violation
五秒沒發出球 - Five seconds violation
帶球走 - Carry/Travel
爭球 - Jump-ball → 這是因為通常爭球就要跳球,所以大部分人都習慣降子叫...
打手犯規 - Hand check
身體接觸的犯規 - Contact foul
進攻犯規 - Offensive foul
阻擋犯規 - Blocking foul
暫停 - Time-out
裁判暫停/電視暫停 - Official time-out
出界 - Out....
全場籃球賽 - Full court game
接力灌籃/上籃 - Alley-oop
半場 - Half court
禁區 - Paint area
節 - Quarter
上半場/下半場 - First half/Second half
控球後衛 - Pointing Guard (簡稱PG)
得分後衛 - Shooting Guard (簡稱SG)
小前鋒 - Small Forward (簡稱SF)
大前鋒/強力前鋒 - Power Forward (簡稱PF)
中鋒 - Center (簡稱C)
籃圈 - Hoop/Rim
籃球 - Basketball
翻越籃板出界 - Over the back board
罰球線 - Free throw line
三分線 - Three-point line
妨礙中籃 - Goal-tending
洗球 - Check Ball
秀球 - Shoot for ball
蓄意犯規/奪權犯規 - Flagrant Foul


街頭籃球 - Street ball
耍球/And-1球風 - Freestyle
壓哨球 - Buzzer beater, 可以簡稱 Buzzer
80年代湖人隊常有的 - Show time
最有價值球員 - Most Valuable Player
運氣球 - Lucky shot/lucky ball
在你壓迫下直接投籃 - In-your-face shot
在你頭上灌籃 - In-your-face dunk
交易 - Trade
自由球員 - Free agent
退休 - Retire
自幹 - One man show
三對三鬥牛 - Three on three
錯對 - Miss-match
干擾 - Interrupt
垃圾話 - Trash talk
海報 (球迷經常用的那種) - Posters
肌肉多多/壯 - Muscular/buff
彈力 - Ability in jumping
天賦 - Potential
重量訓練 - Weight training
自主訓練 - Self-evaluated training course
肉包 - Air ball
拋物線 - Parabola
弧度 - Altitude
球季例行賽 - Regular Season
季後賽 - Playoffs
季前賽 - Before season
暑期聯盟 - Summer League
非法掩護 - Illegal pick
NBA籃板 - Glass (雖然不是玻璃的,但是球評會習慣這樣說)
打板 - Off the glass
長傳 - Coast-to-coast pass
傳球失誤 - Bad pass (滿點的...不過基本上就是這樣...)
濫投 - Blind shot
致勝球 - Winning shot/shot for the win
摸線折返跑 (訓練用) - Suicide
節奏 - Tempo
不同分區對決 - Coast to coast
高低中鋒配合 - High-Low


運動傷害 - Sports injury
扭傷腳踝 - Sprained ankle
脫臼 - Dislocation
擦傷 - Tissue injury
扭傷 - Twist/sprained
中署 - Heat stroke
心臟病 - Heart attack
昏厥 - Pass-out/faint
脫水 - Dehydration
虛脫 - Exhausted
中風 - Stroke
拉傷肌肉 - Pulled muscle
抽筋 - Cramp


Contract - 合約
Sign contract - 簽約
Break contract - 違約/毀約
Contract details - 合約內容
Signing free agents - 簽下自由球員
Statement of contract - 合約的另一個說法
Buy contract - 買合約
Short-term contract - 短合約
Long-term contract - 長合約
Unprotected contract - 不受保護的合約/未做保證的合約


裁判 - Referee
球員 - Player
場上球員 - On-the-floor players
板凳球員 - Bench players
觀眾 - Audiences
主場球隊 - Home team
客場球隊 - Visitor
球衣 - Jersey/Uniform
X元素 - X factor
主力球員 - Key player(s)
先發球員 - Game starters/Starting five


明星週末 - All-star weekend
新秀挑戰賽 - Rookie challenge
新秀隊 - Rookie team
二年級生隊 - Sophomore team (由美國大學/高中二年級生的 Sophomore 而來)
明星三對三/明星投籃賽 - Shooting STARs
技術挑戰賽 - Skills challenge
三分球大賽 - Three-points shoot out/Three-pointers competition
灌籃大賽 - Dunk contest
明星對抗賽 - All-star game
西區明星隊 - Western-conference all-star team
東區明星隊 - Eastern-conference all-star team

[[i] Last edited by rockinpunk4d on 2007-5-29 at 02:08 PM [/i]]

hohohohahaha 發表於 2007-5-29 02:30 PM

續約 - re-sign

harvey22 發表於 2007-5-29 03:08 PM

拋射  - Finger-roll [color=Red]XXX[size=5]X[/size]XXXX[/color]
拋射  - Floater

FRANCISE 發表於 2007-5-29 03:31 PM

籃球 ~ Basketball :secret:

arthur8088 發表於 2007-5-29 04:28 PM

季前賽 - Before season
I seldom see this phrase....Normally [b]季前賽 - Pre-season[/b] is used

運氣球 - Lucky shot/lucky ball
You can also say [b]Fluke Shot[/b]

長傳 - Coast-to-coast pass
same as [b]Baseball pass[/b]??

and just wonder to know that is the article translated by taiwanese??or by Hong Kong people?

[[i] Last edited by arthur8088 on 2007-5-29 at 04:30 PM [/i]]

ryo999 發表於 2007-5-29 04:36 PM


mikeycwebb 發表於 2007-5-29 11:45 PM

真係好post一個 極度支持你

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