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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008
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Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-8-2 01:48 AM:
I am human, but also I am a girl, why would I want to see other girls suffer?
Beside, porn seems to step on a girl's dignity.
suffer from sex?
maybe they enjoy that.....who knows
Sex could be enjoyable, but I don't think it would be enjoyable if you know you are being filmed
Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-8-2 01:52 AM:
Sex could be enjoyable, but I don't think it would be enjoyable if you know you are being filmed
i think BoyBoy will be enjoyable is he knows he is being filmed
Originally posted by BarristerSpring at 2006-8-2 01:55 AM:

i think BoyBoy will be enjoyable is he knows he is being filmed
BoyBoy, BarristerSpring is dissing you, slap* BarristerSpring

BTW BarristerSpring are you taking law?
Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-8-2 01:58 AM:

BoyBoy, BarristerSpring is dissing you, slap* BarristerSpring

BTW BarristerSpring are you taking law?
hahah...not exactly
it's a translation from my chinese name.......
Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-8-2 01:48 AM:
porn seems to step on a girl's dignity.
sorry...i don't totally agree
the actress are willing to do it for money, they are willing to betray their dignity
if they don't, i think no one can force them to do.

p.s. i have to go now, chat wif u next time.
Originally posted by BarristerSpring at 2006-8-2 01:59 AM:

hahah...not exactly
it's a translation from my chinese name.......
i talked to u b4
with different account
Originally posted by kgkgkg212121 at 2006-8-2 01:59 AM:

sorry...i don't totally agree
I never know girls actually want to be porn actresses. who would want to sell their bodies for money?
Originally posted by BarristerSpring at 2006-8-2 02:00 AM:

i talked to u b4
with different account
Who are you then
Originally posted by sherryliu at 2006-8-2 02:03 AM:

I never know girls actually want to be porn actresses. who would want to sell their bodies for money?
one of the easiest way to get money
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 港男俱樂部 » [M.C.C. 2008] --- Mischievous Child's Club 2008

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