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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » notebook 個 mon 可否當電視 mon 用?
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notebook 個 mon 可否當電視 mon 用?

我想在自己間房打 X-Box, 但地方太細, 唔想另外買部電視
所以想請教大家, thank you

Yes you can use the notebook as monitor, but remember to buy one with VIDEO INPUT!! But I dont think you can watch TV on a notebook....I am not sure if there is any extrenal TV tuner for notebook...you can as the sales for that!!
Yes you can, Ther are some USB2 TV turner and also AV input as well
beware if it got hardware acceleration/render(more expensive but less PC resource)
Also there are some PCMCIA TV card, no need for external power.
But if you want at least XGA you will need USB2 version
around $3xx
你去買隻 usb-tv capture 既 device...
我唔係要睇電視啊... 係打 X-box... 用個D TV capture 都可以嘛?
u will only need a usb port and an external tv card which has the video(yellow cable) sound cable (red and white) note: those colors arent set, they can be another color, anyways im not sure if xbox use the yellow, red and white output cables, but if it doesnt then you will need another spliiter so the cable of the xbox can be change to use the digital cables.
thanks for the info, which usb tv receiver you will suggest?
如果部 notebook 支援 wifi ,而你已經有 wireless router 的話,可以考慮用 slingbox:


xbox 應該可以 video out 真插入 slingbox 再插入 router,notebook 用 slingplayer 打開 x-box 畫面。

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » notebook 個 mon 可否當電視 mon 用?

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