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microsoft or logitech la, 貴就貴D 但幾好ga
I am using a 無線滑鼠 of hp.
It's quite good.

p.s. you need to buy a special mousepad.
好靚呀 *楊承琳* .
microsoft or logitech大約幾錢隻?
另外,"you need to buy a special mousepad"點解要咁呢?
Originally posted by 小虫 at 7/6/2005 19:11:
microsoft or logitech大約幾錢隻?
另外,"you need to buy a special mousepad"點解要咁呢?
You need to buy a special mousepad.
If you don't have it, the mouse will be uncontrollable.
好靚呀 *楊承琳* .
I have 3 ---less mouse and none needed any special mouse pad.
All of them is over 1 year old, everything work fine.  The only thing is you need to change battery every six months or so, depends on usage.
真真假假,花色香皆看化    【大學選科搵工Hotline】
I recommand the logitech one, quite reliable gar, get the one with a mouse charger (forget the model, somthing like "DUO", come with a USB stand) so you don't need to change batteries (You can charge the mouse even you turn off the PC, as long as it is pluged to the USB).

You possibly don't need a mouse pad unless you are using the mouse on a glass / shinny surface. In theory (and I have tried) you can use it on your skin and most non-reflective material.
Originally posted by ooaoo at 2005-6-9 08:56:
I recommand the logitech one, quite...
If I am not mistaken, the model is MX1000, cost around $600-700, 不是光學, 是用激光(not remember for sure... rader/laser) anyway, 準過optical mouse.... receiver is also the charger

the other one is MX900/700(not sure which), cheaper than MX1000, optical mouse, ---less, receiver is also the charger
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 無線滑鼠一問

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