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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 我的HP psc 950 顏色盒為什麼會經常壞掉呢???
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我的HP psc 950 顏色盒為什麼會經常壞掉呢???

First of all, HP design the printer to work with new cartriage everytime, so "refilling" is not part of HP's responsibility. It's writting on the manual so there's no point of complaining.

HP inkjets (at least mine) have the printing "head" built into the cartriage, so everytime you install a new cartriage you're also installing a new head.

Companies like Canon has the head built into the printer.


Well, the printer head is the most vulnerable part of an inkjet printer.

Canon design the printer with built-in head, which means that the printer will be dead once the head got worn out. Yes, you can refill, but the printer life is way shorter.

HP design the printer such that you replace the head everytime you buy a new cartriage. But this means that "refilling" won't work.

So either way the companies are making money. But if you have an ultra expansive device, it wouldn't hurt to pay a few more bucks on HP design. It's just gonna last longer.
thanks man,
......but it was a bad news....
it is quiet expensive to spend $50can$ to buy a new cartriage,,,
i guess i should buy a new printer rather than the new ink..  a new printer only cost $130 can$
Futureshop has extra discount during boxing week...

But anyways... if you have a All-in-one with a built in inkjet... then obviously it's better to go for hp than canon?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » 我的HP psc 950 顏色盒為什麼會經常壞掉呢???

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