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Harddisk Disk Drive??

I got two external harddisks with USB interface. However, when I connected to my PC, the disk drive is different from time to time.
E.g. External harddisk 1 is disk E:, next time the disk F:, next time is disk E....... different disk drive with different time.

Anyone knows how to fix the disk 1 is disk drive E:, disk 2 is disk drive F: whenever I connected to my PC without  any change...... help pls...
盤符(E。G:C:、D:。。。)係按順序分配,插disk 1 先,咁佢就係drive E:, disk 2 is disk drive F:;反之,則相反。

我諗之所以會變(你呢種情況),可能係系統先發現邊個 USB 口上嘅設備,就SET邊個係DRIVE E:
gergermen 兄:


The problem is that the disk 1 connect to USB1 and disk 2 connect to USB2 always, then power on PC. The same problem occurred, why the disk drive of external harddisks are different from time to time?? The disk 1 is originally dirve E but now it is drive F.

Any possible to fix it? Bios problem? Or USB setting?? Help pls..... thx...
diskmgmt.msc —— 入呢度,改盤符,有冇得SET
或用呢個軟件Letter Assigner,改返個盤符。
download : http://www.v72735.f2s.com/LetAssig/LetAssig.zip
Screenshot: http://www.v72735.f2s.com/LetAssig/Screenshots.html


I'm trying with many thanks....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 電腦區 » Harddisk Disk Drive??

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