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owen to manutd

are you kidding me????
原帖由 slwong3 於 2009-7-3 07:23 PM 發表 are you kidding me????
just rumors,
Owen set for United move
Michael Owen is expected at Manchester United for a medical examination this morning ahead of an extraordinary move out of the wilderness to join the Premier League champions. Owen, a player dumped by the England manager, Fabio Capello, and widely written off as an individual lacking the appetite and physical fitness to make it in the top flight, is expected to have signed by the end of today, provided he passes a medical which is likely to be stringent, given his injury record. For the United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, it would be the fulfilment of an old ambition, as he admired Owen when the striker was a youngster in Liverpool's youth set-up. "We wanted to sign him," Ferguson once said. "But we weren't prepared to meet his father's requirements so he signed for Liverpool." It is unclear how much Owen will earn but it seems likely his salary at United will be highly incentivised, with Ferguson presumably harbouring concerns that after four years of persistent injury during his spell with Newcastle United at St James' Park he may lack the physical durability to play a role at Old Trafford. A one-year rolling deal seems possible. For Owen, the incentives also include proving to Capello that he warrants a World Cup place at next summer's finals in South Africa.
Ian Herbert, The Independent

but it seems coming true.
免費轉會, 人工又唔貴, 年紀唔係好大, 博佢狀態反彈都唔奇. 博唔倒咪當係贈品囉. 話哂都係前歐洲足球先生噃!


fergowen-500.jpg (48.4 KB)
500 x 365 PIXEL下載

相對10億賣c7, 而家免費簽件奧雲, 就算做後備, 都無壞, 當蘇斯克查咁用!
係win win雙贏呀
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » owen to manutd

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