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February 9, 2006 -- The Nets' Vince Carter and four Pistons are among the seven Eastern All-Star reserves to be officially announced today, The Post has learned. But in a huge surprise, the Wizards' Gilbert Arenas, the fifth-leading scorer in the league, was left off the reserve squad in voting by Eastern coaches.

That could be remedied, however, when Commissioner David Stern personally selects the replacement for injured starter Jermaine O'Neal of the Pacers.

Carter joins Pistons Rasheed Wallace, Ben Wallace, Chauncey Billups and Rip Hamilton as reserves.

Tayshaun Prince is the only Piston starter not selected.

Also on the East's reserve squad are two surprises, from struggling teams — Paul Pierce of the Celtics and Chris Bosh of the Raptors.


活塞先发五虎只有普林斯未入选,其他Rasheed Wallace, Ben Wallace, Chauncey Billups, Rip Hamilton都入选,其他三名进入全明星替补名单的是:Vince Carter, Chris Bosh, Paul Pierce

PISTONS有4個人入到....@@....好在都有VC份, 如果無VC就真係唔知ASG有無正DUNK睇喇
但係呢D ASG係表演性多過TEAM PALY, 比我一定選VC, Arenas, JWILL呢D...而WEST就一定有ALSTON份啦^^
活塞真係勁, 如果prince 入mei 就仲好!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » VC同PISTONS4人入選EAST ASG後備

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