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Which players will be taken by United?

To keep the chance of racing the title next season. United has to get some talent players for sure. There is loads of transfer rumours recently about which players will come to United. However, none of them are confirmed. So which players will make a move to Old Trafford at the end of the day? Would it depends on their world cup performance? Are there any suggestions from you guys about which players to buy? Here are targets have been revealed:

1.Mahamadou Diarra  
2.Juan Roman Riquelme (most recently)
3.Micheal Carrwick
4.Fernando Torres

Resources: www.manutd.com

On 23 February, the Daily Mirror stated: "Sir Alex Ferguson has put Villarreal's Argentinian playmaker Juan Roman Riquelme at the top of his wanted lists. He has personally run the rule over the talented midfielder in preparation for a £10m summer swoop."


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2,4 la
mu need a world class forward and a midfielder
But will Riquelme suit for Premiership?
I am afraid he will not make a big impact. Coz Veron had a similar situation before, but Veron was not bad.
Firstly, I think they need a defensive midfielder, who is capable to link up the defensive line and the midfield.  e.g Carrwick or Baraja

Secondly, I think they need a powerful striker to replace Ruud (if he leaves) rather than a speedy striker as they have got Saha and Rooney.  e.g Luca Toni

Lastly, I think they need a left wing to replace Giggs. e.g Vicente
Originally posted by haha2004 at 2006-5-26 09:55 AM:
Firstly, I think they need a defens...
richardson and evra can replace giggs, absolutely i am not saying wholly replace
Originally posted by 艾力克 at 2006-5-26 11:48 AM:

richardson and evra can replace giggs, absolutely i am not saying wholly replace
agree~~ more like taking over the left side spot~
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
左翼有李察臣, 艾拉同星仔
中場買左列基美就唔駛朗尼打中場 la
托利斯速度快, 拍住朗尼一剛一柔
I think Richardson and Evrn still need time to improve~~~~
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