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Arsenal will not face any sanctions from UEFA after a spokesperson admitted 'They were powerless to act'

Arsenal are to be investigated into the possible breach of some sort of rule, although nobody seems to know what that rule is, but will not face any action from UEFA.

A spokesperson for the organisation admitted their hands are tied over the incident as no rule appears to have been broken. The official also said the situation would have to be looked at.

'These are all issues which will need to be solved in the interests of the game because you can break no rule and no law but at the same time most fans would acknowledge that there is a problem here.'

Another interesing piece of information passed to me seems to suggest our club has comitted no offence reads,

'Although Uefa have rules which prevent any club owners from owning more than 50 per cent in another club playing in the same competition, there are no FA, Fifa or Uefa rules which stop one club or club official lending money to another club or their directors'

It's thought prevoking that we are seemingly being damned from all angles, yet no-one can answer the question 'What are you damning us for?'

Everyone is angry about the situation, but they're not too sure why.

Arsenal have also been cleared of any illegal offences and will not face criminal charges, even though Vital Spurs preposterously suggested Arsenal were being investigated for 'serious fraud and money laundering'. Come on lads, get your facts straight.

'Although Uefa have rules which prevent any club owners from owning more than 50 per cent in another club playing in the same competition, there are no FA, Fifa or Uefa rules which stop one club or club official lending money to another club or their directors'

呢條例訂得唔清淅, 令阿仙奴有得走發律罅
再係咁的話, 如果阿仙奴抽中同比華倫同組, 比華倫就有機會放水俾阿仙奴 la
就算阿仙奴抽中同比華倫同組 以阿仙奴泥講 要win都唔難姐
Originally posted by bigfish at 2006-6-5 22:37:
'Although Uefa have rules which pre...
Originally posted by AshleyCole at 2006-6-6 05:55:
He's a bias Man Utd and England's fans....

Well.. if he dislikes some teams.. he'll say anything, that try to attack others .....
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 阿仙奴洗脫罪名,無罪釋放

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