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意甲球証偏幫國米? 祖記理應第一!

Juventus Would Be Top If Not For Referees – Report

A report in the Gazzetta dello Sport this morning sensationally claims that Juventus would be top of the Serie A table had it not been for refereeing errors.

The latest controversy to have hit Serie A is the claim Inter are continuously being favoured by referees. The Nerazzurri are furious over the allegations, and even declared a press silence in protest, but this report is certain to only fan the fires.

The debate has really exploded in recent weeks after the Nerazzurri picked up wins over Parma and Empoli, mainly thanks to controversial penalty-decisions.

Juventus and Milan have both complained this season that they are being victimised by officials.   

The Gazzetta dello Sport have decided to create a league table on where teams would be had it not been for refereeing errors.

Inter have obtained eight points more than they should have done, while Juventus would have been top of the league, as they would have had seven more.
In total this results in a 15-point difference between the totals of Juventus and Inter, meaning that Claudio Ranieri’s men would now be three points clear at the top of the table.   

The report claims that Milan are the worst team effected, as they have received eight points less than they should have. With a game in hand, this in theory means that the Rossoneri would only be four points off the top-of-the-table, despite having what many labelled as their worse start to a domestic season in two decades.   

Reggina, who are third-from-bottom are also badly hit, and would be in a  comfortable mid-table position had it not been for refereeing mistakes.

These revelations are sure to anger Inter and their fans even further, while giving Milan, Juve and Roma fans more ammunition to have a go at the Nerazzurri.

Table (On the left are the number of points that each team would have had if referee decisions were correct. In brackets are the real, official points totals ; 左邊為如果球証作出正確決定的話球隊所得分數. 括號為現實所得分數)

Juventus 48 points (41)

Inter 45 (53)

Roma 45 (45)

Milan 41 (33)

Fiorentina 36 (37)

Atalanta 33 (29)

Palermo 28 (28)

Sampdoria 28 (28)

Udinese 28 (33)

Napoli 27 (27)

Genoa 26 (28)

Reggina 25 (18)

Lazio 24 (23)

Livorno 23 (21)

Catania 21 (23)

Siena 21 (20)

Parma 19 (19)

Torino 18 (21)

Cagliari 16 (14)

Empoli 15 (16)
AC今季打得咁差, 唔通咁樣係搵返個藉口嗎?
最大得益者係 Reggina....

Reggina would not need to relegate to Serie B if the points amended....
While Milan and Juve would only lose in place....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 意甲球証偏幫國米? 祖記理應第一!

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