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With about 12 games left, each MVP candidate is making a final push to impress the voters! 2 from East & 2 from West!! So whats your take? Share your thoughts and tell us who you think deserve the MVP MOST!!

Cleveland - 40-32 (4)

Pros: After leading the cavs to finals last yr, King James is doing it all again! Leading the league in scoring 30ppg, along with 8rbs and 7 assists! And most importantly, he also rank 1st in points score in 4th q(10ppg).

Cons: Sure, the stats are impressive, but the cavs still trail the magic, pistons, celtics in the so call weaker easten conference.

Boston - 56-15 (1)

Pros: Hitting the league by storm, transforming the worst record celtics (last yr) into a legit title contender, gelling with PP & Ray instantly, holding up the lanes with a high intensity defense! The 1st team to complete the texas traingle since kings in 2001.

Cons: With the best record in the NBA, but playing with the other big 2 hurt his chances. Rondo & Perkins also improved so much that some might give credit to them as a team.

New Orleans - 49-21 (1)

Pros: The 3yr guard makes NO the most suprising team this yr! B4 the season start, most predict NO as a boardlerline playoff team, but yet beating the other west powerhouse for the best record. Arguably the best PG today. He controls the floor and make excellent distrubition to a very balence team.

Cons: Although the currently hold the best record, but the games difference between 1st and 9th is 5games. Are the NO for real or just a one hit wonder? Voters might want to wait till next yr b4 giving the vote to CP.

L.A. Lakers - 49-23 (3)

Pros: After all the drama during offseason, kobe came back focus and determine to lead LA for another title run. Ditching the old hog it all image, this yr he trust his teamates, passing the rock more, making others better. With young stud Bynum coming back soon & new recruit Gasol fitting in nicely, no one want to face the showtime lakers.

Cons: Cant really think of a legit reason, but there are many kobe/lakers haters out there (like me), who rather vote for someone else.
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"

The Other

After meeting the big 4, here are the others the should recieve strong consideration. Of coz if you feel your fav player that i miss should be MVP, tell us!

[ Last edited by harvey22 on 2008-3-27 at 09:21 PM ]
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
Originally posted by 怪人米不多 at 2008-3-27 09:16 PM:
Oh~ boston fan~ PP added!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
I hope KG to get it but i thnk that's a fight between Kobe and LBJ @@"
no vote for Paul and LBJ?
they are both very impressive
i vote for CP3
where is tim duncan??
Live now~ Boston VS Hornets!

Great matchup!!
"The only thing that goes with the flow is a dead fish"
i would vote for CP3...

he leads the Hornets into one of top teams in the Western Conference....
he deserves it....
希望升到 1000 分.....係有時間既話...
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » NBA MVP! But WHO?

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