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電視話影到Fitness Coach 笠住頂帽,戴住耳機係咁同呢場in charge呢場賽事助教不停吹水, 可能係串聖教路, 違反禁賽令

Mystery message man could land Chelsea back in trouble
By Mike Collett
LONDON, April 6 (Reuters) - Chelsea could be back in trouble with UEFA if
banned coach Jose Mourinho passed messages to his technical staff in the
dugout during their Champions League quarter-final against Bayern Munich on
Mourinho was banished from the dugout for two matches and both he and
Chelsea were fined following incidents in the previous round against
Mourinho was forbidden to have any dealings with his team before or during
the match and opted not to watch from the Stamford Bridge stands but from "a
private place" on television.
However, television pictures broadcast at halftime showed a member of
Chelsea's staff, Portuguese fitness coach Rui Faria, sitting wearing a
woolly hat that partly covered his ears.
He spoke repeatedly to assistant manager Steve Clarke, in charge of the team
in Mourinho's enforced absence, suggesting the bench were receiving messages
through an earpiece.
Fourth official Pieter Vink of the Netherlands was then seen to remonstrate
with Clarke during the second half, wagging his finger at him and pointing
to the man wearing the hat.
If the incident is reported by the senior media match officer Hans Hultman
to match delegate Karel Vertongen of Belgium, Mourinho and his club could
again face censure from European soccer's governing body.
UEFA delegate Frits Ahlstrom told Reuters: "I have no reason to question
Jose Mourinho, I have known him for many years and I trust him and I will
not speculate on what happened.
"But if the incident is reported then we will have to investigate it. If
people have seen this on television then it will be something for us at UEFA
to look at in the morning."
Former Chelsea manager Glenn Hoddle, a pundit for Sky television, was among
those who watched the incident on TV but said: "Who knows who he was talking
to or what they were talking about. This could be one for Perry Mason."
Chelsea won the match 4-2 to set up an intriguing second leg in Munich next
Tuesday, which Mourinho is also banished from watching in the dug out.

來源 : footballguardian

計我話就 side 氣
攪少 d 野啦
笠住頂帽 戴住耳筒聽歌都得架嗟
冇證冇據齋影到呢 d 野冇用的
Originally posted by kyleung at 2005-4-7 09:49 AM:
電視話影到Fitness C ...
我睇波果時都睇到個勁似摩佬既人,不過唔係正面= ="
He has been clear now by UEFA.....
不過佢係stanford bridge出現既機會少喇
佢次次都惹麻煩啦, 久不久又來一次
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » MOURINHO 再惹麻煩

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