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[車迷區] Spy Shots: Americans, meet the next-gen Suzuki Swift you'll be driving

Suzuki finally seems headed in the right direction: away from a lineupclogged with SUVs towards one chock full of fun-to-drive cars. The SX4 was a good start and the Kizashi,in our estimation, is a home run. But the brand that's big everywhereelse in the world has one car after which we've always lusted, theSwift. You may remember the Swift from back in the day as a rebadgedGeo Metro (or vice versa), but that name carried on in other globalmarkets where it was eventually affixed to the fifth generation Swiftthat debuted in 2004. Think of it as a poor man's Mini.

While Americans won't get to sample the fifth-gen Swift, Suzuki hasindicated that the sixth-gen model currently under development will be sold in the U.S. And here it is in three-door guise.

It's hard to believe that just ten years ago the U.S. market forautomobiles was awash in trucks and SUVs, and soon we'll be knee deepin a sea of small cars like the Ford Fiesta, next-gen Chevrolet Aveo and Spark and Honda CR-Z to name a few. You can add the Suzuki Swift to that list now.

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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 車迷區 » Spy Shots: Americans, meet the next-gen Suzuki Swift you'll be driving

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