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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » Marriage
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So if you've been going out with this person for a while... when is a good time to get married?

Specifically, would you wait for the right "financial situation"?
Of course ! You must understand almost everything was related to "money" when
you plan for marriage !
So what is the "right" financial situation?

My gf seems to want a crazy HK-style wedding, while I just want a get-together for close families and friends as well as a super honey moon trip.

Well, there're people who mortgage for a wedding.

Thing is I'll be in my late 20's when I graduate, if I decided not to go for another academic position. And alot of people in my field get married before finishing school. A phd and a post-doc will take you into the early 30's. Eventhough phd and postdoc's do get paid, the salary is not really good compare to actual professionals.

[ Last edited by westsider on 2005-8-26 at 09:25 PM ]
I suggest that you better buy a house before you get marry.
At least you got place to settle down.
The first thing to be considered is when you guys are ready.
I mean are you guys ready to live together, share everything and look after each other?
For me, marriage is just a piece of paper.
The problem would be who to marry, not when to marry.
If you have found a "right" girl, it doesn't matter when is the "right" time



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I believe that if both of you guys mean to be together, you guys will be together anyway.
Don't have to worry too much when is the "right" time to get marry.
The first thing you should care about is get a well paid job after you complete your study.
Do you agree?
Originally posted by gundamman678 at 2005-8-26 10:48 PM:

Originally posted by Rika at 2005-8-26 10:50 PM:
I believe that if both of you guys ...
Well.... we "live" together. I rent my own place, and she rents her own. So we just stay at one place or another together.

As for buying a house... I don't know. It's a tough call because I don't even know which country I'll settle down in. And my goal in life has never been making money, so it's kinda tough change in that way.

But when we get old, some girl just won't "risk it" for a guy who has not shown enough commitment.

So i don't know how it'll turn out.

[ Last edited by westsider on 2005-8-26 at 11:11 PM ]
just come to get marry in australia mic duk law........ it is totally different to hk, so good..........the girl need to pay for everything when they get marry, how nice........... so you can marry anytime la.............
Originally posted by gundamman678 at 2005-8-26 10:48 PM:
What do they usually expect?
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » Marriage

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