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[star] [自拍] 西野加奈 2013 Tour @APM

本帖最後由 mrmrnice 於 2013-3-8 01:40 PM 編輯

日期: 7/3/2013
活動: apm X Kana Nishino Kanayan Tour 2013 Asia In Hong Kong首次見面會香港站
嘉賓: 西野加奈 。
時間: 19:00
地點: 觀塘觀塘道418號創紀之城五期apm大堂


IMG_0333.JPG (2.3 MB)
3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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4000 x 3000 PIXEL下載


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3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


IMG_0472.JPG (3 MB)
3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


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4000 x 3000 PIXEL下載


IMG_0580.JPG (2.2 MB)
3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載


IMG_0598.JPG (2.5 MB)
3000 x 4000 PIXEL下載

本帖最後由 mrmrnice 於 2013-3-8 02:18 PM 編輯

hmmm..........wonder how to upload a video

tried the multimedia button above............
can't open file with quicktime 7 ???

Anyone ???
hmmm..........wonder how to upload a video

tried the multimedia button above............
can't open file with quicktime 7 ???

Anyone ???
mrmrnice 發表於 2013-3-8 01:58 PM
你開個 youtube account, upload 左 d 片先, 用 e 都既 youtube function 再嵌入來。

你 upload 左試下, 唔得至再教你 =]
本帖最後由 mrmrnice 於 2013-3-8 05:24 PM 編輯

Thx, what about if I do not want to use the youtube and directly upload the film here,

the result is .............. (as shown above)

I wonder if anyone can see it (let me know ???)
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\temp\temp3\MVI_0369

Thx, what about if I do not want to use the youtube and directly upload the film here,

the result is .............. (as shown above)
mrmrnice 發表於 2013-3-8 04:48 PM
好似 E 樹唔 support 直接 upload 片的
Thank you CHing, I shall learn the youtube route then.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 攝影樂園 » [自拍] 西野加奈 2013 Tour @APM

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