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[愛情診療室] Can somebody help me to decide wht should I do...

met a girl for nearly two years...she is gorgeous and cute...i thought our relationship can develop further but then my best friend told me that she had a boy friend...and i had asked her before has she got a bf or not...she decline...i know that both of us had feeling...but the point is wht should i do now...she deosen't knew I notice she got a bf now...as she is still sms and phoning me...and now i reli feel like i am the third person and trying to destory a existing luv relationship which dosen't belong to me...plz can sumone give me sum advise...
Just both of you not marry, no big deal, if she is so good, you always need to prepair for an enemy, Good Luck
I think you should just ask her if she really has a boyfriend bravely by yourself....
You'd better have a fair play between you and her boyfriend.
First you should make sure if she has a boy friend.

If no, then you go ahead.

If she just decline, i think she want to develop with you.
But remember when you become her boy friend, she may tell other boys she do not has boy friend. That is the main problem.

I do not care if there is fair play, I just think you and the boy are cheated by her!
thx for the advise...but won't u guys think that the girl is a liear...and should i forgive her or not...coz i am reli sad when i know that she is cheating me...
If you asked, and she answered NO, then you can think she lied to you,
But if she did not got one at the time you ask, then why she need to tell you when she get on later, may be you are just a friend only.

Just like you Do you consider you got a GF now (her),
If yes you lied as she is not agreed yet(right?)
If no you also lied as you think your relationship is in that way.
you are thinking at the grey area now.

To confirm or to withdraw, its your choice

Don't think too much.
u're rite...but still hv no clue wht should I do...but anyway thx for ur advise...is there anyway to test how much u luv that girl?...
If you want to check if she is the one you Love?
noway,its a feeling, Some brother here can share it to every girl can you?

Logically its some chemical reaction in your brain, and it decrease in time.

At this moment you know you like her or not(at least not hate),
and she is more important to you then other girls, maybe.
and if she always in your head (there must be something)
I think thats enough.

To confirm(act) or to withdraw(leave her alone), its your choice

Don't think too much again.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » Can somebody help me to decide wht should I do...

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