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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » 決定分手
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但係我個心 真係好鍾意佢

The biggest problem is the above 2 sentences, I don't know how to tell u but if u really undetstand the above, u will know tow to do. when u do better and better each time means him/or 越來越唔愛你! sorry,  我係咁直! bless u!
Hi, dude, just wanna how how longyou guys have been together? I reckon sometimes there needed a period for the girl side to turn on her emotion. Eventhough she likes you but it doesn't mean she loves you, it takes time to this step. How old is she now? Maybe she's still young n don't know how to love someone/how to maitain a relationship. Moreover, if she's the only child in her family, she may loved by her family so much n makes her personality self-centre which makes her donesn't know how to cares the other people's feeling lea~

Maintain a relationship is much harder than start a new relationship, but once you started, you have to take the responsibilities, be a man n act like a man. If, unfortunately, it screw up at the end, you still be true to yourself coz you have no regret ma~

Sorry, I can't type Chinese but I hope this can help you understand the situation which you're in more~ Good luck, Son~
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » 戀愛起義 » 決定分手

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