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Team USA Adds Eight Players to the Roster

LAS VEGAS, May 23, 2007 -- Selecting a dynamic mix of established veterans and remarkable young talent, USA Basketball announced today the addition of eight players to the USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team program.

USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team Managing Director Jerry Colangelo officially announced Wednesday in Las Vegas, Nev., the addition of Carlos Boozer (Utah Jazz); Tyson Chandler (New Orleans Hornets); Kevin Durant (University of Texas); Jason Kidd (New Jersey Nets); Mike Miller (Memphis Grizzlies); Greg Oden (Ohio State University); Tayshaun Prince (Detroit Pistons); and Deron Williams (Utah Jazz) to the Senior National Team roster.

Colangelo also confirmed that seven USA Senior National Team players would be unavailable to compete this summer because of injuries. Those players included Gilbert Arenas (Washington Wizards); Joe Johnson (Atlanta Hawks); Brad Miller (Sacramento Kings); Lamar Odom (Los Angeles Lakers); Chris Paul (New Orleans Hornets); Paul Pierce (Boston Celtics) and Dwyane Wade (Miami Heat).

More details on
http://www.nba.com/news/usa_bask ... _eight_players.html

就今次美國隊球員變動來看,好明顯針對五號位同一號位來改動。希望mike miller可以幫到美國隊d外線,不過我都係想redd加入多點。
but Prince can block shot......
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
not 分分鐘勁過 la....i think g.wallace is better lor
Prince is a good pick as Team USA is lack of team player or role player....
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Team USA Adds Eight Players to the Roster

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