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i never said that i'm from an university, and in particular, I don't need the respect from you, someone who lacks highschool knowledge and stated that all canadian university sucks, simply because they're located in Canada.

You're making a dumbass statement, and i was telling you the truth. Trying to diss people with non-justified one-linener reveals the depth of your intelligence is ... ok, I'm respecting you as a living human being as well as the fact that your mama loves you.

BTW, did you look up your highschool chemistry book and find out who Rutherford is?
[quotefrom="blblblbl"]i never said that i'm from an university, and in particular, I don't need the respect from you, someone who lacks highschool knowledge and stated that all canadian university sucks, simply because they're located in Canada.

You're making a dumbass statement, and i was telling you the truth.

BTW, did you look up your highschool chemistry book and find out who Rutherford is?
IF ur not from a university, maybe u should stop saying that canadian univerisity are gd and stuff
We're not talking about who's in university and who's not. Also, the rankings of university program is a fact, and it can be discussed by even 3-year-olds.

Fact is that Canadian universities are competitive to the ones in the states and in Europe. You are ignorant about this fact and dissed all canadian universities.

That's what i'm saying. As simple as that.

[quotefrom="jasondafez"]IF ur not from a university, maybe u should stop saying that canadian univerisity are gd and stuff
Ok, I don't think people with higher education should automatically recieve more respect. Since you are looking down to people who don't have university degrees:

the length of the academia section in my CV probably triples the length of those with a normal bachelor degree. So you are welcome to diss me, if and only if you have done a brilliant Master degree or you're a phD. This is from your point of view about university degrees.

If you're from an university, there are chances that i'll be marking your exam in the next few weeks.
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » Vince's Glory Days

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