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Fergie's fight for Super Men
Manchester United and Liverpool are set to fight it out for £6.5million-rated Monaco strike star Jeremy Menez. SunSport can reveal that both Premier League giants have sent scouts to watch the gifted Frenchman.
Menez, 20, has notched three goals in nine appearances for Monaco this season. And Liverpool boss Rafa Benitez and his United counterpart Alex Ferguson are both keen on landing the hitman.
Menez is a France Under-21 international and has already been tipped for greatness, with some pundits comparing his play-making skills with those of French legend Zinedine Zidane.
Antony Kastrinakis, The Sun

Elsewhere, The Times report on an interview Cristiano Ronaldo gave Austrian newspaper Heute. The Portuguese winger said: “Chelsea without Mourinho, that’s a completely different team. You can never write Chelsea off, but I have a feeling that this will not be a good season for them.”

Chelsea striker Didier Drogba, meanwhile, has had his own words about the Reds' no.7. Drogba is quoted in The Sun as saying Ronaldo won't repeat his goal-scoring feats of 2006/07. "I do not believe he has the rhythm to follow up last season's achievements. He is not a machine."

The Daily Mail claim United midfielder Anderson's stellar performance against Wigan came after senior players of the squad warned the Brazilian of the perils of partying. The paper says the 19-year-old was told by team-mates his future at the club could be in jeopardy if he failed to "concentrate on his career".

球員名 (中) J.文尼斯   
球員名 (英) Jeremy Menez
所屬球會 摩納哥
位置 (簡) 前鋒
出生日期 1987年5月7日
國籍 法國
身高 181cm
加盟日期 2006年6月22日
前度球會 索察
轉會費 239萬鎊
曾效力球會 --
廿歲仔 有排踢
Originally posted by edwinlky at 2007-10-10 09:34 PM:
球員名 (中) J.文尼...
1月前都有排傳呢d野, 不過好多時係d球會同球員agents本身放風,
即係借曼聯過橋是也, 每年呢d case都屢見不鮮....

季初咪森多利亞果件唔知咩水咪又用呢招, 最後即刻比人買左...

我覺得1月, 曼聯應該會再試下敲熱刺度門,
睇下貝碧扥夫有無得傾, 因為傳來傳去, 都係呢件似樣d..
sorry..I don't know him..but seems quite good!
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 曼聯爭奪摩納哥射手文尼斯?

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