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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 火箭之魂係麥基迪定姚明???
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中國人姚明, 幾高幾重都搶唔到籃板, big ben, dwight howard, chris bosh 呢d 矮過佢o既又勁過佢, kg, chris kaman 呢d 輕過佢又勁過佢, 我諗佢只係一個生得高, 射術過得去o既球員 only
大明 , 因為我覺得佢搶高波玩唒
Yao Ming

Guys, there is something more important -- Business Value
Yao Ming = Rockets
Just like Michael Jordan = Chicago Bulls, Kobe Byrant = Lakers

Honestly, if you guys talk about Houston Rockets, what comes to your mind first?
Yao Ming for sure.
Not only you and me, but for all people in China.

In the contrary, when talking about T-Mac, people may think about his long history, he played in three different teams, Vince Carter's relative, scoring champion for two seasons... etc
a lot of things in your mind, but not "concentrate" enough

If I am the owner of Houston Rockets team, I will invest more in Yao Ming, rather than T-Mac.

Besides, T-Mac is not "icon" enough to represent Rockets, I afraid his path will just follow Steve Francis, Charles Barkley, or Clyde Drexler, who all were once a Rockets member for some years, but not a classic Rockets player.

By the way, there was a member who also an icon of Houston Rockets -- Hakeem Olajuwon.
Great post
But I don't agree 1 sentence: Clyde Drexler is not a classic Rockets player.... He'd be 1 of the classic players in Rockets as his relationship between the City of Houston *(originally born in Houston)
We are blessed that we can watch sports, to do many things...
so be happy!
明仔!!!!!!!!!!!! 有左佢火箭中路穩左好多~
當然t mac都係好波之人, 但係無左yao ming 佢又無咁多波到手~
Originally posted by bigfish at 2008-1-24 10:38 PM:
中國人姚明, 幾高幾重都搶唔到籃板, b...
sure yao la
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娛樂滿紛 26FUN » Sports討論版 » 火箭之魂係麥基迪定姚明???

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